Qualities of a Successful Leader: How to Lead and Foster Teamwork

Goals of the Project

The two initial priorities to be addressed the by the group include:

  1. a collaborative approach to teamwork in the nursing home and improved team effectiveness;
  2. Provide an environment where employees contribute to organizational decision-making;

This priority is essential because the nurses are the residents’ primary care source. The greatest challenge is how to be collaborative with fellow staff and unite their efforts together. A collaborative approach is a leading factor in team effectiveness and productivity. The second priority is important because the nursing home will see a significant rise in profitability by adopting this goal. With that, there is a high chance for growth and the staff to work more efficiently.

The Composition of the Team

The reason why I chose them is that:

  1. The director has been working in the clinic for more than ten years and is familiar with the structure of the clinic, its culture, and its team members.
  2. The HR representative works directly with employees in the clinic and knows their strengths, weaknesses, and ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment.
  3. The legal counsel is familiar with the laws of malpractice, discrimination, and harassment of team members involved in a multicultural team.
  4. The staff members work directly with patients personally while an independent contractor provides general maintenance to the facility on his off time from his regular workload.

My Role

My role is to develop the team members and make the guidelines for improving our interprofessional workflow. I will ensure that all projects are completed promptly and that each is well organized. Regarding group communication, I will use instant messaging to keep them updated about urgent issues and any new challenges or challenges we might face when developing new ideas. I will also use social media to keep up with updates.

The Committee

The group will communicate using social media platforms such as Skype. The committee will meet once a month for about two hours to go over the current state of affairs, come up with solutions to problems, have a questions and answers portion, and finally decide on the action plan. The ideas will be shared, and a decision will be made collectively so everyone is heard.

The role of the committee is to work collaboratively, create a collaborative work environment, promote teamwork and develop collaboration. The group function is that the group will be in charge of a situation chosen by the facilitator. They will devise solutions to effectively resolve the issue and make improvements for the length of time that topic is discussed. The group structure is that there are two members from each discipline: accountancy, biology, social sciences, and pharmacy.

The Basic Characteristics of Diversity Workplace

It is an essential characteristic of a diverse workplace as it allows different cultural groups to interact, communicate and collaborate effectively. The workforce is included in terms of economic power, which involves all people in the business operation and decision-making processes. According to Zhang and McGuire (2022), diversity training is formally and informally facilitated. The diversity program comprises several activities targeted at addressing the issues relating to race, gender, and cultural diversity in workplaces.

Benefits of Diversity Workplace

An organization’s success depends on how it leverages its internal and external diversity. Internal diversity refers to how the employee’s diversity influences the organization. According to Gomez and Bernet (2019), externally, diversity’s importance to organization performance is based on its ability to attract and retain customers, markets, and other critical resources. In addition, Gomez and Bernet (2019) suggested that this way, each group member would be able to offer their views on any topic for discussion regardless of whether their gender, race, or age is different from other members. Non-management employees who work with a diverse workforce tend to be more satisfied with their jobs. Fine et al. (2020) asserted that workforce diversity negatively impacts job satisfaction. It could be because many employees believe that a diverse workforce creates a workplace where communication is smooth.


Fine, C., Sojo, V., & Lawford‐Smith, H. (2020). Why does workplace gender diversity matter? Justice, organizational benefits, and policy. Social Issues and Policy Review, 14(1), 36-72.

Gomez, L. E., & Bernet, P. (2019). Diversity improves performance and outcomes. Journal of the National Medical Association, 111(4), 383-392.

Zhang, Y., & McGuire, S. J. (2022). Exploring the mechanism of diversity training through on-the-job embeddedness in a diverse workplace. International Journal of Training Research, 20(1), 14-25.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, January 22). Qualities of a Successful Leader: How to Lead and Foster Teamwork. https://studycorgi.com/qualities-of-a-successful-leader-how-to-lead-and-foster-teamwork/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Qualities of a Successful Leader: How to Lead and Foster Teamwork." January 22, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/qualities-of-a-successful-leader-how-to-lead-and-foster-teamwork/.


StudyCorgi. "Qualities of a Successful Leader: How to Lead and Foster Teamwork." January 22, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/qualities-of-a-successful-leader-how-to-lead-and-foster-teamwork/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Qualities of a Successful Leader: How to Lead and Foster Teamwork." January 22, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/qualities-of-a-successful-leader-how-to-lead-and-foster-teamwork/.

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