Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Project’s Impacts

QSEN is a nationwide initiative that encourages nurses to rethink the main principles of nursing care. Furthermore, QSEN is a nursing project that aims to link nursing education with best practices regarding quality and safety standards. QSEN was founded in response to more excellent nursing quality and safety requests (QSEN, n.d.). The overall purpose of the business has been to solve the problem of continually improving the healthcare systems in which they operate. These principles have positively impacted me because QSEN allows a nurse to improve her professional, organizational, and social skills. Such a systematic and exciting approach to work is advantageous in everyday professional activities.

Given the basic principles and ideas behind QSEN, it is beneficial for both students and patients. The QSEN competence recognizes that healthcare does not take place in a vacuum (QSEN, n.d.). Multiple healthcare practitioners must share decision-making in order to deliver the best possible treatment. As team members, this competency enables nursing degree students to recognize their strengths and limits. It moreover emphasizes the need to treat others with respect when their professional opinions disagree.

Evidence-based practice is another crucial QSEN ability. This QSEN principle builds on the two that came before it. Providing collaborative, patient-centered care entails acknowledging, interpreting, and using current medical evidence. Pre-licensure nursing students will embrace this ability as they learn to analyze and understand clinical studies and other evidential results. On the other hand, this competency recognizes that one’s education is never complete in nursing. Professionals must stay current on the most recent evidence-based discoveries and apply them to their work (QSEN, n.d.). The primary goals in this part are to find reputable sources of clinical evidence and practice recommendations and to recognize the difference between clinical opinion and research summary.

But like any method and approach in medicine, the ultimate goal of QSEN is still to save patients’ lives. Nurses are excited about QSEN because they understand how important these areas are in saving lives. Proven enhanced abilities can save a patient’s life one at a time. The stronger the aptitude, the more confidence and practice nurses have in the established proficiency.


QSEN. (n.d.). QSEN History. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Project’s Impacts." May 16, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/quality-and-safety-education-for-nurses-projects-impacts/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Project’s Impacts." May 16, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/quality-and-safety-education-for-nurses-projects-impacts/.

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