This paper concerns radiation safety at an organization that operates hazardous equipment, causing potential health issues for the employees. The exposure rates to which they are subjected will be determined for the test equipment and repair and the radar facilities using the applicable formulas. For the former, a comparison and a choice will be made between two viable options to enhance safety: increasing distance based on the suggested values and shielding. Meanwhile, the radars will have their near and far field power density calculated. Additionally, the project will evaluate the risks a new laser laboratory may pose depending on the chosen classes and suggest radiation control measures. At the end of each section and the paper, the recommendations for enhancing safety will be provided, considering the costs and the alternatives.
This project is devoted to enhancing safety while working in an environment with increased radiation risks. It will be done by determining the exposure while using the equipment, the effectiveness of various defensive units, radar power density, and safety control measures. Those findings will be divided into three groups according to the field for which they will be relevant. In the end, the report should be instrumental in enhancing safety in the company and prevent hazardous situations.
Report Details
Test Equipment and Repair Facility
Working with radioactive equipment is dangerous, so limiting time spent with it might be beneficial, although productivity might suffer as a result. Therefore, it is worth testing if installing additional defensive units or increasing distance will make it safer for employees to work more, as they are the components that control radiation (Yates, 2015). With calculations, it will be determined whether the proposed distances will be sufficient to ensure safe work.
Three benches are subject to changes in radiation control within the company. Bench #3 originally had a distance of 0.5 ft. with the intensity of 110 mrem/h, and the proposed one is increased to 2 ft. Upon calculating, the new intensity will be 6.875 mrem/h, which is a significant decrease from the original value (See Appendix A). Bench #5 initially had a distance of 1 ft. with the intensity of 137 mrem/h, while the proposed distance is 3 ft. After calculating the new intensity, it becomes approximately 15 mrem/h, which is almost 1/10 of the initial value (See Appendix A). Bench #6 had a distance of 0.75 ft. with the intensity of 102 mrem/h, and the suggested distance is 1.5 ft. The new intensity will be 25.5 mrem/h, according to the calculated value (See Appendix A). While the decrease in all cases is significant, and working at Benches #3 and #5 would have no effect, Bench #6 is a borderline case that might lead to temporary blood changes (Yates, 2015). Thus, it is worth investigating if shielding can completely protect all employees working with the equipment.
Installing lead shields is an alternative for increasing the distance between an employee and the source. For each bench, a new intensity will be determined using the equation for gamma rays. Thus, the new value for Bench #3 will be 0.22 mrem/h, for Bench #5 – 0.274 mrem/h, and 0.204 mrem/h for Bench #6 (See Appendix B). Compared to the option of increasing distance, shielding appears to be much safer for all benches, as their exposure rates will not produce any effects (Yates, 2015). However, the potential costs of installing shields might make the company want to consider another way to enhance safety.
In conclusion, both options, shielding and increasing distance, help to considerably decrease the employees’ exposure to radiation, with the former being more effective. Out of the two, shields are a more expensive option, so installing them for all three benches might be financially detrimental. A compromising decision would be installing one shield for Bench #6, which has a marginal exposure rate with the suggested new distance. Another solution is not using shields at all but adjusting the time the employee spends with the bench, considering the altered values. Ultimately, the course of action depends on whether the company is willing to invest in additional safety or avoid costs, which may cause a slight chance of risk.
Radar Testing Facility
Radars serve as a major source of nonionizing microwave radiation, so in order to protect the employees from its damaging effect, it is vital to control it. The electromagnetic fields emitted by a radar have several zones, including near field and far field, which function differently (Yates, 2015). For instance, the former has several polarization types, and it poses a danger (Yates, 2015). Therefore, the power density of both should be calculated to determine the safety measures.
Two radar units are subject to have their power density evaluated. Radar Unit #1’s diameter (121.9 cm after converting) and antenna power (50,000,000,000 microwatts) are relevant values to calculate its near field power density, and the result is 17,145,673.9 µW/cm2 (See Appendix C). The distance from the antenna (4,572 cm after converting) is essential to measure the far field density level, which is 1,904.4 µW/cm2 (See Appendix C). Likewise, for the second radar, the power density of the near field will be 829,171,770.5 µW/cm2, and the value for the far field is calculated to be 4,189.8 µW/cm2 (See Appendix C). Thus, both radars are characterized by their high power density levels of near fields and concerning far field values.
The calculations reveal that the radars as they are now might cause health issues. A radar above 1,000 µW/cm2 and at a certain frequency can produce such negative effects as cataracts and skin burns (“Electromagnetic Fields,” n.d.). Therefore, it is advisable that the organization implement additional radiation control measures to make the working environment safer (Yates, 2015). Otherwise, the employees might sustain long-term health issues, which is also detrimental to the employer and the organization’s reputation.
Laser Laboratory
Establishing a new laser laboratory requires much thought about safety regulations during the design stage. Several hazardous scenarios should be considered to decrease their chance of occurring. For instance, it is not uncommon for an incorrectly calibrated laser to damage property and emit more radiation than allowed. Thus, in this section, it will be suggested what steps to take to organize a safe environment at a future laboratory.
First of all, it is worth analyzing the types of lasers that the laboratory will use. All of them are Class III, which already implies a medium level of risk (Yates, 2015). Additionally, the lasers will include Classes IIIA and IIIB, the former of which is visible, and the latter can be harmful when viewed directly (Yates, 2015). Therefore, besides general control measures that include limiting time, increasing distance, and shielding, it is necessary to consider eye protection as a subset of the latter (Yates, 2015). Thus, considering the power of the lasers that are supposed to be utilized by the laboratory, robust safety regulations are mandatory.
Overall, powerful equipment requires equally durable protection, which makes one consider the costs and priorities. Previously, the cost question in relation to radiation control was already raised, and it remains relevant for the laboratory’s establishment. While it is recommendable to implement as many control measures as possible, the effectiveness of some will be revealed later, once the work begins. The focus should be on distancing and shielding for the designing stage, as the laboratory is to have enough space. Additional regulations, including time restrictions and face coverings, can be implemented later, but their importance is not to be diminished.
Conclusions and Recommendations
After analyzing various organization sections, including the test equipment and repair facility and the radar testing one, the main conclusion is that they are currently hazardous and pose significant health risks for the employees. The laser laboratory is not yet constructed, but using powerful lasers might lead to equally adverse consequences. Therefore, the following recommendations may be followed to decrease radiation risks:
- For the test equipment and repair facility, increasing distance might be sufficient, although Bench #6 requires special attention and, potentially, a shield.
- As of now, the radars present serious health implications, so additional control measures are necessary. If replacing them with less powerful units without any detriments to productivity is possible, it can also be an option to consider.
- While designing the laboratory, such points as distancing and shielding are to be prioritized. As the lasers will have medium power or above with an increased risk of damaging one’s eyes, face protection should also be a priority.
Ultimately, the recommendations should ensure improved radiation safety and decreased health issues for the employees.
Appendix A: Calculations for the Test Equipment and Repair Facility (Distance)
Bench #3:

Bench #5:

Bench #6:

Appendix B: Calculations for the Test Equipment and Repair Facility (Shielding)
Bench #3:

Bench #5:

Bench #6:

Appendix C: Calculations for the Radar Testing Facility
Radar Unit #1 (near field):

Radar Unit #1 (far field):

Radar Unit #2 (near field):

Radar Unit #2 (far field):

Electromagnetic fields (EMF). (n.d.). World Health Organization. Web.
Yates, W. D. (2015). Safety professional’s reference and study guide (2nd ed.). CRC Press.