Reaction to Addams’ Twenty Years at Hull-House

The study of literary works is of particular importance for understanding the past years’ events. However, autobiographical works are even more valuable, as they directly reliably talk about the trends and worldviews that ruled during their writing. One of these works is a book by Jane Addams called “Twenty Years at Hull-House.” This scientific paper aims to analyze and provide a personal reaction to the autobiography of a writer who conveys significant knowledge about America at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Thus, it is necessary to first identify the main topics that can be highlighted after reading the autobiography. Upon reading, there is an accurate understanding that the author wanted to raise the topic of society’s attitude to immigrants in the first place. Hence, this aspect implies respect for various traditions, cultures, values, and worldviews of people who came to the United States of America from other countries in search of a better life. Through the image of the Hull House created by Addams, to which a significant part of the book is devoted, the author shows the horrific events and the severity of the lives of people immigrating to the country.

Of particular interest was the story about the writer’s strong connection with her father and how his opinion about politics influenced the formation of his daughter’s opinion. Notably, Addams’ father was quite an ardent Civil War activist and was on fairly close terms with Abraham Lincoln1. Moreover, as a child, Addams considered her father “a most imposing figure”2. These two factors were crucial for the formation of knowledge that the father passed on to his daughter.

The most important aspect that is discussed in Jane Addams’ autobiography is the social activity of the author and the creation of a Hull House Settlement for immigrants. Jane Adams was among the first women to graduate and had a negative attitude toward the idea of marriage. The writer saw this as a continuation of the established way of life, spoke in support of the poor, and was an activist for social reforms. From the very beginning of the narrative, Addams forms the main idea of his autobiography about the possibility of establishing equality between native white Americans and visiting representatives of other countries. Therefore, the writer’s commitment to social change is striking and inspiring at the same time.

The autobiography maintained interest and fascination from the very beginning to the end. Of particular interest was the last part of the work, in which the author made a logical conclusion. Hence, the writer moreover told about the purpose of her initiative Hull-House Settlement. Further, the paper notes that the institution “recognized the need for cooperation, both with the radical and the conservative, and cannot limit its friends to any political party or economic school”3. With these words, the author once again confirms that he supports equality and impartiality in relation to all individuals.

In conclusion, this reaction paper considered the autobiography of twentieth-century activist Jane Addams. In her book, the writer expressed her experiences and experiences in the struggle for equal rights for the poor and emigrants. This work provides valuable information about how the society of that time functioned and what problems there were in it. In addition, the autobiography greatly inspires one to work on oneself to form the best future for the next generations, where all people have equal rights.

Work Cited

Addams, Jane. Twenty Years at Hull-House. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.


  1. Jane Addams, Twenty Years at Hull-House (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018), 38.
  2. Addams, 24.
  3. Addams, 321.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Reaction to Addams’ Twenty Years at Hull-House'. 18 April.

1. StudyCorgi. "Reaction to Addams’ Twenty Years at Hull-House." April 18, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Reaction to Addams’ Twenty Years at Hull-House." April 18, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Reaction to Addams’ Twenty Years at Hull-House." April 18, 2023.

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