Reasons Why Shakespeare Still Matters

Shakespeare is a great playwright who created unfading and ageless works that have fascinated readers worldwide throughout the centuries. The secret of Shakespeare’s fame lies in the fact that, in his works, he raised such issues as love and hate, loyalty and betrayal, and truth and lies that are still relevant nowadays. Moreover, Shakespeare’s works significantly impacted the English language, significantly enlarging its vocabulary and the use of grammar structures.

Many of Shakespeare’s thoughts about the fight between good and evil, social injustice and oppression find reflection in today’s reality. His personality experiences the same eternal passions and struggles with the same problems that ordinary people have now (Eklund). Shakespeare does not describe a character through his feelings, but feelings through a character, which greatly appeals to modern readers. Shakespeare’s plays teach people sympathy, kindness, and goodness, which allow individuals to build a harmonious society (Barahate). Moreover, people can draw parallels between Shakespeare’s time and modern days, where they can see equal social injustice, deception, social conventions, and the cunning of politicians.

Shakespeare’s works had a great impact on the development of English. Thus, popular today, blank verses were invented by the famous playwright. Many of Shakespeare’s expressions, such as “a fool’s paradise”, “the game is up”, and “dead as a doornail”, have found their way into the everyday language (Parvin and Islam 4). Moreover, Shakespeare did a great job of standardizing the English language, and many grammar rules nowadays rely on speech concepts introduced by the great playwright.

The immortality of Shakespeare’s works lies in their relevance both during the author’s lifetime and now. Many of his plays serve as a mirror that reflects the shortcomings and virtues of the very essence of life. Moreover, the great playwright made an invaluable contribution to the development of the English language, significantly enlarging its vocabulary and laying down the grammar structures that, at later ages, became the basis for the standardization of the language.

Works Cited

Eklund, Hillary, ed. Teaching Social Justice Through Shakespeare: Why Renaissance Literature Matters Now. Edinburgh University Press, 2019.

Parvin, Florida, and Shaiful Islam. “The Influence of William Shakespeare in Modern English Language and Literature.” European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2020. Web.

Barahate, M. S. “Relevance of Shakespeare in School Curriculum.” Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow, vol.19, no. 5, 2019, p. 90. Web.

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