Reducing the Pressure on the Registered Nurses

Smith’s (2020) doctoral dissertation is the scholarly resource about non-physician health professionals (NPP) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) chosen for this assignment. Due to the rapid increase in the aging population, the demand for nurses has skyrocketed. Governments have been trying to use nursing practitioners to ameliorate the health situation, although their number has been too low (Smith, 2020). In most healthcare centers, the nurse-to-patient ratio is high, which reduces the quality of service rendered to the patients. Therefore, to reduce the pressure on registered nurses, it is essential to consider NPP and APRNs in the provision of primary care.

One of the challenges that the health industry face is the high cost of training nursing practitioners. Therefore, governmental and non-governmental organizations provide grants to meet the demand that spearheads the projects that promote nurses’ availability in the markets. As a result, there is momentum established towards the availability and increase in the number of health care service providers. Consequently, the health care industry will match the demand and provide the public with the needed services and resources in the future.

I am indifferent to receiving treatment or health care services from NPP and APRNs because I have never experienced any challenges or issues with either physicians or NPP and APRNs. In my opinion, they all provide high-quality services in their respective fields of practice. Moreover, the patient care outcomes of NPP and APRNs are equal compared to those of medical doctors (MDs) (Lee et al., 2016). Health care providers with determination and little training can match their counterparts with significantly more training when they are sensitized to the roles they should play in health care provision.


Lee, E. J., Podoltsev, N., Gore, S. D., & Zeidan, A. M. (2016). The evolving field of prognostication and risk stratification in MDS: Recent developments and future directions. Blood reviews, 30(1), 1-10.

Smith, A. (2020). The Impact of the ACA Workforce Policy on Non-Physician Provider Utilization in California (Doctoral dissertation, California State University–Northridge).

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