Reflex Sympathetic Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Approaches


The autonomic nervous system is an essential regulator of the organism. It affects many body functions, such as temperature, breathing, muscle relaxation, etc. Disorders affecting the autonomic nervous system can have significant consequences for the organism. In this work, we will consider disorders that affect the autonomic nervous system, their causes, and their impact on the organism. The consequences for other systems of the organism, as well as the treatment methods and long-term problems, will also be discussed.

Overview of the Disorder: Definition and Causes

One of the disorders affecting the autonomic nervous system is reflex sympathetic syndrome (RSS). It arises due to a violation of the work of the autonomic nervous system and manifests itself in pathological reactions to the activity of specific internal organs or their systems (Taylor 2021). It is a painful processing of individual structures and processes of the organism, which will occur over time.

Effects on the Body

RSS usually reveals itself in a part of the body that is directly exposed to the influence of one or several reflex zones. It is observed during or after taking medication, antibiotics, anticoagulants, and other medical procedures. The causes of RSS are linked to the disruption of the immune response due to diseases, digestive system disorders, hormonal imbalances, and other factors (Taylor 2021). All of these factors can influence the nervous system, leading to RSS. The main symptoms of RSS are headaches, dizziness, breathing difficulties, sweating, chest pain, digestive problems, reflex disorders, and weight loss.

In some cases, other signs may be present. The diagnosis of RSS includes a blood test, radiography, ultrasound, ECG, urine analysis, and other studies. RSS treatment involves drugs to correct immune response disturbances, fight infections, take immunostimulants, and take pain-relieving and digestive disorders medications (Taylor 2021). RSS is a complex and multi-faceted illness, so several aspects should be addressed in its treatment.

Treatment Options

The main principles of RSS treatment are restoring the proper functioning of the organism, eliminating the cause of the disease, and correcting disorders. Non-medicamentous therapies such as massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, and others may also be used to combat RSS. There are cases when RSS can be prevented by taking preventive measures. It is necessary to constantly monitor health, adhere to dietary regimens, pay attention to warnings about immune response disorders, and, if necessary, take corrective measures.

Timely treatment of the disease and preventive measures will help prevent the occurrence of RSS and achieve a successful outcome. Besides that, the disorder can be treated with various drugs. One of such drugs is anticholinergic medication (Taylor 2021). It helps to maintain an average level of activity of the autonomic nervous system and reduces the severity of symptoms. Moreover, in some cases, corticosteroids and analgesic drugs are introduced locally.


In conclusion, disorders affecting the autonomic nervous system can lead to serious health consequences for people. Even though disorders affecting the autonomic nervous system can be treated, they still present significant risks to a person. For example, temporary disorders of respiratory and cardiovascular functions can lead to cardiovascular diseases, as well as other health problems.

They can affect other organism systems, including digestion and mental state. Therefore, it is essential to take measures to prevent them and consult a doctor at the first signs of problems with the autonomic nervous system. Various medications can be used to treat such disorders, as well as local introduction of corticosteroids and analgesic drugs.

Works Cited

Taylor, Samantha-Su et al. “Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Comprehensive Review.” Pain and therapy vol. 10,2 (2021): 875-892. Web.

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