Regulations and Ethical Issues in Chicken Production: A Case Study of Perdue Farms


When conducting industrial activities, it is critically important to ensure the safety of customers. In particular, this aspect concerns the production of food products that are most popular among consumers. In the case of Perdue Farms, the main problem becomes the production of chicken products, which implies paying attention to such an ethical aspect as providing the highest quality products that will not harm the well-being of individuals.

Regulations and Ethical Considerations in the Chicken Production Industry

First of all, special attention should be paid to such aspects of Perdue Farms’ activities as relevant characteristics of the mixed economic system and present the regulations for the factory farming industry. This is because this procedure will provide an opportunity to realize the contribution that nation’s laws have to the functioning and operation of the company. It is worth noting that within the economic system of the United States of America, the company under study is a privately owned organization (Chen, 2022). Therefore, it has the right to independently regulate its own resources and ways of acquiring them.

However, the regulations that are implemented in this mixed economy have a substantial impact on many aspects of its activities. Thus, such measures as the Food Safety Modernization Act, antibiotic use regulations, and consumer protection laws are of value (Jagannathan & Vijayakumar, 2019). These legislative initiatives differentiate the use of antibiotics in the production of food and food safety regulations, which should be aimed at limiting possible contamination in the workplace. The need for these measures is to ensure the safety, welfare, and health of consumers.

The production of chickens in factory farms may pose risks to consumer safety. This aspect can manifest itself through bacterial contamination, the presence of antibiotics in products, and the release of chemicals resulting from the acute stress of animals (Dantzer & Mormède, 1983; Stathopoulos, 2010). This is because “the gastrointestinal tract is the primary habitat of a variety of bacteria, including foodborne pathogens” (Rostagno, 2010, p. 1). These circumstances may affect the quality of meat and become a threat to the health of individuals who consume it.

The Impact of Animal Welfare on Food Safety

In the highlighted problem of providing consumer safety risk, aspects such as the regulatory control of the state are of particular importance. This is because compliance with these rules and regulations can positively or negatively affect the well-being of people. Research showed that “when animal welfare is jeopardized by overcrowded and unhygienic rearing, transport and slaughter conditions, food safety is compromised” (O’Brien, 1997, p. 33). Therefore, if a business does not pay enough attention to maintaining a clean environment for animals and regulating aspects such as their nutrition, the quality of products may deteriorate (Lipinski, 2003; Mason & Finelli, 2006).

This problem also has ethical concerns that can be underpinned from a theoretical point of view. Thus, according to Kant’s Deontology, in order to observe moral good, it is necessary to treat individuals with respect and do what is objectively correct (Kranak, 2019). Therefore, Perdue Farms must comply with law regulations to simulate violations of ethical principles.


In conclusion, based on the information provided, it is essential to highlight that compliance with regulatory measures should become an integral part of operating for food producers. This is due to the fact that this aspect ensures the preservation of the health and well-being of customers and complies with ethical concerns. As part of the presented case study of Perdue Farms, this is of critical importance for the preservation and maintenance of the business.


Chen, J. (2022). Private company: What it is, types, and pros and cons. Investopedia. Web.

Dantzer, R., & Mormède, P. (1983). Stress in farm animals: A need for reevaluation. Journal of Animal Science, 57, 6-18.

Jagannathan, B. V., & Vijayakumar, P. P. (2019). The need for prevention-based food safety programs for fresh produce. Food Protection Trends, 39(6), 572-579.

Kranak, J. (2019). Kantian deontology. Introduction to philosophy: Ethics. Web.

Lipinski, L. (2003). Milk: It does a body good? It all depends on where it comes from–Doesn’t it?. Web.

Mason, J., & Finelli, M. (2006). Brave new farm? In P. Singer (Ed.), In defense of animals: The second wave (pp. 104-122). Web.

O’Brien, T. (1997). Factory farming and human health. Web.

Rostagno, M. (2010). Stress in farm animals and food safety: Is there a connection? [Food safety fact sheet]. Web.

Stathopoulos, A. S. (2010). You are what your food eats: How regulation of factory farm conditions could improve human health and animal welfare alike. Legislation and Public Policy, 13, 407-444. Web.

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