Reimagining Human Capital Management with the Holistic Cycle of Excellence


In today’s hectic business world, human capital management is still vital. Many people have used Dr. Hallowell’s Cycle of Excellence as a compass. A reimagined Cycle of Excellence will be constructed. It will firmly accentuate creativity, critical thinking, and a dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Dr. Hallowell’s Cycle of Excellence

  • Connection: Feeling part of something larger.
  • Selection: Ensuring the right job fit.
  • Imagination: Encouraging creative thinking.
  • Grapple and Grow: Working harder when engaged.
  • Shine: Achieving peak performance.

Holistic Cycle of Excellence

Building on this foundation, here is the Holistic Cycle of Excellence.

Empathy & Inclusion

Fostering an environment where diverse voices are heard and valued. Ivcevic et al. (2020) highlighted the role of emotionally intelligent supervisors in creating positive work environments. Empathy and inclusion are the central factors in illustrating the substance of equity and inclusion.

Tailored Selection

Recognizing individual potential can lead to greater job satisfaction, as Huang et al. (2017) stressed.

Collaborative Imagination

Encouraging teams to brainstorm, ensuring representation from diverse backgrounds, as illustrated by Costakis and Pickern (2022).

Resilient Growth

Emphasizing learning from challenges, Seedall (2019) stressed the importance of deliberate practice in therapy.

Recognition & Reflection

Emphasizing recognizing not just individual achievements but team successes.

The number of steps remaining the same, the new cycle offers quite a harmonious management of human capital (see Table 1).

Table 1 – Comparison of Dr. Hallowell’s Cycle and the Holistic Cycle of Excellence.

Steps Dr. Hallowell’s Cycle Holistic Cycle
1 Connection Empathy & Inclusion
2 Selection Tailored Selection
3 Imagination Collaborative Imagination
4 Grapple and Grow Resilient Growth
5 Shine Recognition & Reflection

Why Is the Holistic Cycle of Excellence Optimal for Managing Human Capital?

The Holistic Cycle of Excellence emerges as a beacon in the vast expanse of human capital management. Amidst the relentless march of technology, Seedall (2019) whispered of continuous learning. The cycle champions this, urging employees to evolve in a world that never stands still. Costakis and Pickern (2022) sang praises of collaboration, and Holistic Cycle dances to this tune, weaving diverse minds into a symphony of innovation. Huang et al. (2017) reminded people of well-being’s worth. The cycle treasures it, intertwining success with the heartbeats of a nurtured workforce. Organizations can attain and sustain excellence by using this cycle and learn benefits from articles’ insights (see Table 2).

Table 2 – Key Takeaways from the Research Articles.

Article Key Insight
Huang et al. (2017) Importance of career growth opportunities
Ivcevic et al. (2020) Role of emotionally intelligent supervisors
Costakis and Pickern (2022) Importance of managing human capital effectively
Seedall (2019) Importance of deliberate practice
Harrison (2011) Modern challenges in human capital management

Shared Vision: The Heartbeat of Employee Contentment

Dive deep into the world of organizational dynamics, and you’ll stumble upon a gem: shared vision. Huang et al. (2017) painted a vivid tapestry, illustrating how a shared vision can be the wind beneath the wings of career growth opportunities (CGO). Imagine this: when employees feel the pulse of a shared vision coursing through the organization’s veins, the dance between CGO and job satisfaction becomes an electrifying tango. The message? Organizations shouldn’t just toss career opportunities like confetti. They should weave them into a grand tapestry of collective dreams and aspirations. How? By whispering the organization’s legends, mission, and soulful values into every ear and crafting decisions as a tribe.

Performance Improvement Plans: Not Just Plans, But Lighthouses

Enter the realm of human resources, and Costakis and Pickern (2022) will hand you a compass: Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs). But beware, PIPs aren’t mere tools; when wielded with finesse, they transform into lighthouses guiding the lost. The magic potion? Crystal-clear performance elixirs, feedback that flows like a rhythmic song, and a treasure trove of tools for the weary traveler. Remember, each PIP should be a tailor-made cloak, shielding its wearer, not a chain binding them. It’s a symphony that resonates with the Holistic Cycle of Excellence, echoing the melodies of personal selection and resilient growth.

When Supervisors Wear the Cloak of Emotion

Ah, the dance of emotions in the workplace! Ivcevic et al. (2020) embarked on a quest, exploring the enchanted forests where supervisors with emotionally intelligent behavior (EIB) tread. And guess what they unearthed? With their EIB cloaks, such supervisors cast spells that breathe life into the very soil, sprouting creativity and innovation among their kin. It’s as if these leaders cradle the world in their palms, nurturing growth with every touch. This revelation? It’s the essence, the lifeblood, of our holistic cycle’s maiden voyage into empathy and inclusion.

The Artistry of Deliberate Practice in Healing

Seedall (2019) beckons us into a realm where therapists don’t just heal; they craft art. The canvas? Deliberate practice. The strokes? Understanding that sometimes, the artist’s soul matters more than the brush. This isn’t a mere act of repetition; it’s a ritual, a dance of the soul seeking perfection with every sway. And this dance? It mirrors our cycle’s Resilient Growth stage, a testament to the power of perseverance and the relentless pursuit of brilliance.

Navigating the Labyrinth of Today’s Workspaces

Harrison (2011) spins a tale of modern workspaces where electronic whispers have silenced heartfelt conversations. Amidst this cacophony, the article sings a lullaby of boundaries reborn, carving sanctuaries for thought and shielding against the storms of distractions. Dr. Hallowell’s management lore, rooted deep in the annals of science, conjures workplaces where trust soars and fear withers. Such realms, where connections bloom and imaginations run wild, are the essence of our Holistic Cycle of Excellence’s Empathy & Inclusion and Collaborative Imagination phases.


Costakis, R., & Pickern, S. (2022). Managing human capital through the use of performance improvement plans. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 24(6), 216–222. Web.

Harrison, I. B. J. (2011). Interview with Edward M. Hallowell, MD, author of shine: Using brain science to get the best from your people. Human Resource Management International Digest, 19(4), 43–45. Web.

Huang, R., Chou, T. P., & Chen, C. (2017). Examining the roles of shared vision and career growth opportunity in developing new employees. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30(4), 599–609. Web.

Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., Menges, J. I., & Brackett, M. A. (2020). Supervisor emotionally intelligent behavior and employee creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(1), 79–91. Web.

Seedall, R. B. (2019). The cycle of excellence: Using deliberate practice to improve supervision and training. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 45(1), 187–188. Web.

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