Beliefs and Practices Among the Chinese: A Related Overview

Introduction of Student, Individual Being Assessed and Purpose of Assessment The interviewed individual comes from the mainland of China and belongs to the Han Chinese ethnic group, which is the biggest in the country. The culture of the individual is versatile: it includes conservative and modern traditions, as well as Communist values. The assessment is aimed at evaluating the professional nursing approach in terms of Chinese culture. The focus of the following research is the examination of the health-related peculiarities of Chinese culture.
Individual States Willingness for Assessment;
States Understanding of Ability to Refuse Answers and/or Stop Assessment
The individual is interested in culture-related healthcare research and is willing to take part in the assessment. He understands the right to refuse answers or to stop the assessment.
Questions and Answers:

In the left column name the category based on those provided in Milestone 2. Your instructor needs to know to which category your questions and the answers pertain.

Primary Question
Fill in CategoryHealth-related beliefs and practices
Student’s Question
Tell me about some of the health-related beliefs and practices among the Chinese in your community
Individual’s Answer:
The Chinese are highly concerned about their health, pay a lot of attention to prevention measures. Healthy eating and diet, together with proper physical exercise, are the basis of a healthy lifestyle. According to ancient Chinese studies, human beings and nature are composed of qi energy and should exist in balance, so is important to live in harmony with the world of nature, consider seasonal variations and environment differences and be aware of one’s biological rhythm. Today China gradually starts to focus on modern healthcare with the use of new technologies, though traditional medicine still plays an important role.
Follow-up Question a.
Share with me some of the health-related beliefs and practices that you personally think are useful or that you practice.
Student’s Question
Share with me some of the health-related beliefs and practices that you personally think are useful or that you practice
Individual’s Answer:
The individual follows the principles of traditional Chinese medicine with much attention paid to prevention measures. He does physical exercises regularly and consumes fruits, vegetables and meat rich with vitamins. He also controls his biological regime and follows the regular daily schedule.
Follow-up Question b.
Help me understand the role of such practices in promoting health
Student’s Question
Help me understand the role of such practices in promoting health
Individual’s Answer
The individual states that exercises and healthy eating help to maintain good physical shape. He also believes that the early start of the day positively influences the overall health.
Primary Question
Fill in Category
Kinship and social networks
Student’s Question: Please tell me about your kinship and social networks.
Individual’s Answer:
Close family bonds are common among the Chinese, and the individual also has close ties with his family. Considering that the individual currently resides in a multicultural community in Miami, his social networks include representatives of different cultures including his own.
Follow-up Question a.
Explain to me about your family structure and a little history about your relationship with family members and people in your social networks
Student’s Question: Explain to me about your family structure and a little history about your relationship with family members and people in your social networks
Individual’s Answer
The individual comes from a typical Chinese family with a strict patriarchal structure. Due to China’s one-child policy, the individual does not have siblings; however, he has relatives belonging to older generations. The relationships in the individual’s family, as well as in his social community in general, are based on respect and support of all members.
Follow-up Question b.
Share with me what you think is the role family members and people in your social network in promoting health
Student’s Question: Share with me what you think is the role of family members and people in your social network in promoting health.
Individual’s Answer
For the individual, family plays an important role in providing psychological support during treatment. At the same time, he mentions living separately from his family and emphasizes the importance of the support of the surrounding community.
Primary Question
Fill in Category
Student’s Question: Tell me about your diet and nutrition.
Individual’s Answer
In Chinese healthcare, diet is considered the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. The healthiest diet includes properly cooked meat or fish and vegetables that are usually steamed.
Follow-up Question a.
Explain to me how you maintain a balanced diet in your meals
Student’s Question
Explain to me how you maintain a balanced diet in your meals
Individual’s Answer
The Chinese strictly follow the “You are what you eat” principle. The individual chooses the diet according to the season. He tries to eat more fruits and vegetables in summer; in winter, he prefers eating meals that have a warming-up effect (such as beef and seafood). He also takes weather conditions into account: as Miami is a region with a hot climate, overconsumption of spicy food can be unhealthy because it causes sweating and may raise body temperature.
Follow-up Question b.
Tell me your opinion about the role of balanced diet in promoting good health
Student’s Question
Tell me your opinion about the role of balanced diet in promoting good health
Individual’s Answer
The individual confirms that balanced diet influences the overall health condition of a person. He suggests that it is essential to mind the geographical peculiarities of the region one lives in and to pay attention to the lack of specific vitamins during different seasons.
Course Project Reflections See grading rubric for complete evaluation criteria.
Note: All information should be in your own words based on what you learned from the Course Project.
In conclusion, Chinese patients require a special culture-related approach, as Chinese healthcare system is characterized by conservative approaches and old health-related beliefs. Although healthcare in China is constantly developing and changing, Chinese patients tend to rely on traditional Chinese medicine. Due to the fact that not all Chinese citizens have access to proper healthcare (especially those, who live in rural areas) (Milcent, 2018), the availability of medical help is highly important for the interviewed individual. The focuses of the Chinese medicine are healthy lifestyle and balanced eating; prevention measures have always been vital both in old and modern times (Bu, 2017). As a result, the individual should be treated accordingly, and his cultural health-related beliefs should also be considered.


Bu, L. (2017). Public Health and the Modernization of China, 1865-2015. New York, NY: Routledge.

Milcent, C. (2018). Healthcare Reform in China: From Violence To Digital Healthcare. Paris, France: Springer.

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StudyCorgi. "Beliefs and Practices Among the Chinese: A Related Overview." July 14, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Beliefs and Practices Among the Chinese: A Related Overview." July 14, 2021.

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