“Relationship Between Logistical Support Factors…” by Akanmu

This article “Relationship between Logistical Support Factors and Effective Contract Management in Royal Malaysian Navy” by Diekola Akanmu is written to understand how to effectively manage contracts in conjunction with financial, managerial, and technological support to ensure proper logistics in Malaysia. According to the article, logistics and supply chain management are essential elements of the work of a manufacturing enterprise. In addition, development management, marketing, and customer service are also necessary. Contracts are instruments that define agreements between two parties and determine possible risks, rights, and rewards. The use of contracts is not an innovation, but it is still actively used in modern work in the field of maritime security.

The article examines the issues of maritime security for Malaysian companies using contracts. In addition, the paper analyzes how high the level of achievement of logistical support factors with the use of contracts is. The article also examines how effective the connection of the material and technical support of the enterprise in contract management will be. Previous studies have shown that automation in contract management is one of the most effective ways to reduce risks. Apart from that, it was revealed that in case of incorrect processing of contracts, there is a high probability that the company will be forced to pay for unnecessary services.

The most influential factors that have been identified include financial support, management assistance, and compliance with the terms of the contract. All of them help to ensure the normal functioning of companies providing maritime defense, as well as readiness for deployment at any time. Even though securing state contracts can be a difficult task, it will not be too challenging for responsible management to find the most appropriate ways and means to eliminate possible obstacles.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 4). “Relationship Between Logistical Support Factors…” by Akanmu. https://studycorgi.com/relationship-between-logistical-support-factors-by-akanmu/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“Relationship Between Logistical Support Factors…” by Akanmu'. 4 April.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Relationship Between Logistical Support Factors…” by Akanmu." April 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/relationship-between-logistical-support-factors-by-akanmu/.


StudyCorgi. "“Relationship Between Logistical Support Factors…” by Akanmu." April 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/relationship-between-logistical-support-factors-by-akanmu/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“Relationship Between Logistical Support Factors…” by Akanmu." April 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/relationship-between-logistical-support-factors-by-akanmu/.

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