Negotiating Solutions for Reducing Respiratory Complications in Healthcare

The plan for reducing respiratory complications in patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures involves negotiations with several stakeholders.

Registered Nurses at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Rationale for Support or Resistance

These stakeholders are not essentially associated with Interventional Radiological (IR) Procedures. Therefore, their response to the change might be neutral.

Negotiation Tactic

To communicate the change to this stakeholder group, it is essential to explain how it might potentially benefit from the proposed implementation. Registered Nurses are responsible for general patient care outcomes (Blegen, Vaughn, & Vojir, 2011). Thus, they are more likely to support the change when they realize that their patient care process will flow more successfully if the common respiratory complications are eliminated.

Interventional Radiology Nurses

Rationale for Support or Resistance

These stakeholders are likely to support the change as they are responsible for the entire care process associated with IR procedures and are interested in minimizing the adverse IR impact. In the meantime, the large extent of liability might likewise make IR nurses treat the change with excessive cautiousness as they realize they will have to be in charge of potential failure.

Negotiation Tactic

It is essential that the IR nurses are put in the picture and assured that the change implies practical improvements. According to Shirey (2012), some statistics and research findings might be applied to provide additional guarantees.

Interventional Radiologist

Rationale for Support or Resistance

This stakeholder group is highly interested in the change as evaluating the possibility of respiratory complications associated with IR intervention is their primary duty.

Negotiation Tactic

Interventional radiologists are mainly interested in facilitating the decision-making process and increasing the quality of their assessments. Carr, Howells, Chang, Hirji, and English (2009) note that it is critical to ensure the stakeholders’ complete awareness to gain their support. Thus, it might be effective to provide them with an opportunity to communicate with those specialists who have already experienced the implementation so that they can describe the way the new improvements work in practice.

Patients and Their Families

Rationale for Support or Resistance

These stakeholders are particularly complicated in terms of predicting their support of the change. Their response to the implemented improvements depends largely on age and psychological factors.

Negotiation Tactic

It might be useful to apply positive feedback from other patients to convince this group of stakeholders in the effectiveness of the proposed change (Gesme & Wiseman, 2010).

Nurse Director

Rationale for Support or Resistance

This stakeholder bears the supreme level of responsibility and is likely to support the change only in case it is properly explained and supplied with the relevant rationale.

Negotiation Tactic

It is suggested that a detailed change proposal is designed to gain the Nurse Director’s full support. The proposal should comprise the practical implementation plan and describe the positive outcomes associated with each stage (Pandi-Perumal et al., 2015). Additionally, the proposal should include relevant statistics, research findings, and case studies to illustrate the positive experience of other organizations. Likewise, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the Nurse Director will have to report the change outcomes to the upper management so it will be useful to elucidate the financial perspectives in the designed change plan.

Reference List

Blegen, M., Vaughn, T., & Vojir, C. (2011). Nurse staffing levels: impact of organizational characteristics and registered nurse supply. Health Services Research, 43(1), 154-173.

Carr, D., Howells, A., Chang, M., Hirjy, N., & English, A. (2009). An integrated approach to stakeholder engagement. Healthcare Quarterly, 12(1), 62-70.

Gesme, D., & Wiseman, M. (2012). How to implement change in practice. Journal of Oncology Practice, 6(5), 257-259.

Pandi-Perumal, S. R., Akhter, S., Zizi, F., Jean-Louis, G., Ramasubramanian, C., Freeman, R. E., & Narasimhan, M. (2015). Project stakeholder management in the clinical research environment: How to do it right. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 6(1), 71-79.

Shirey, M. R. (2012). Stakeholder analysis and mapping as targeted communication strategy. Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(9), 399-403.

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