Resveratrol and Mouse Model for Werner Syndrome

The study was conducted on mammals, in particular, the mouse model. The research question was whether resveratrol increases lifespan or only protects the human against the causes of death, for example, heart attack, increasing the average life expectancy. As a result, the authors revealed that it can protect against common causes of death and prevent metabolic syndrome that can increase life expectancy and create a sense of longevity. Moreover, resveratrol is effective in suppressing signs of aging such as osteoporosis, sarcopenia, decreased cognitive ability, and others (Labbe et al., 2010). Thus, it can create the illusion of a longer lifespan whereas there is improved quality of life.

It is also very important to point out the fact that the study focuses on the quantitative method of the investigation as it comprises conducting various surveys based on the use of structured questions of closed type, which corresponds to a large number of respondents. The main objective of quantitative research in this study is to obtain a numerical estimate of the issue towards it.

It is widely believed that resveratrol contained in red wine can slow the aging process and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases as well as cancer development. It is now unlikely that anyone would argue that a small amount of red wine could bring some benefit to a human. However, one should avoid alcohol abuse. In this regard, the importance of the study becomes obvious. There is no sense to drink too much red wine to enhance the lifespan of people with Werner syndrome.

In conclusion, the study confirms the positive influence of red wine used in moderation and rejects its impact on the lifespan.


Labbe, A., Garand, C., Cogger, V. C., Paquet, E. R., Desbiens, M., Couteur, D. G., & Lebel, M. (2010). Resveratrol Improves Insulin Resistance Hyperglycemia and Hepatosteatosis But Not Hypertriglyceridemia, Inflammation, and Life Span in a Mouse Model for Werner Syndrome. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 66(3), 264-278.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, August 10). Resveratrol and Mouse Model for Werner Syndrome.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Resveratrol and Mouse Model for Werner Syndrome." August 10, 2021.

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