Review of Diana Kroll’s 2002 concert

Quite melodic jazz combined with Diana’s gentle vocals makes the performance incredible, the quality of it surpasses all expectations. The music concert was performed in 2002 by the following musicians: Diana Krall – vocals, piano, Dan Faehnle – guitar, Ben Wolfe – contrabass, and Rodney Green – drums (Diana Krall – Live in Concert, 2002). Diana Krall is a talented musician who impresses the audience with the original technique and her own developed style. She awakens the listener’s emotions, adjusts to their inner selves tries to reach out to the individual perception of each person. That is why her works so strongly affect the people.

At this concert, Diana behaved on stage naturally, completely matching the image indicated in the title of one of her most famous albums, The Girl in The Other Room (Diana Krall, 2004). Between songs, while waiting for the enthusiastic applause to subside, she adjusted her hair with a familiar gesture, sipped another sip of water, engaging with the audience quite casually. All this created a rather pleasant and relaxing environment.

It seemed to me that the members of the jazz band have a rather good ability to improvise and demonstrate great work. This calm and pleasant music should appeal to all fans of classical jazz in its modern variations. Freedom of rhythm in the performance of musicians and well-coordinated professional work awakens a sense of lightness, relaxation, freedom, and continuous movement forward.

Diana Krall’s performance somehow reminded me of Ella Fitzgerald. I enjoyed Diana’s sensual voice and piano playing; the choice of songs and their versions are excellent. I can see how she puts her soul into the singing, and there is such great passion in her voice. The combination of all instruments guitar, contrabass, piano drums, together with Diana Krall’s voice sounded harmonious.


Diana Krall. (2004). The girl in the other room. Verve.

Jazz³+. (2014). Diana Krall – Live in Concert. YouTube.

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