Review of “Othello” by Shakespeare

“Othello” is one of the most unique and outstanding works of the great William Shakespeare. There are actually more profound, complex, thought-provoking topics behind the author’s main idea, which lies on the surface. So, the main characters and their stories of the work are known to everyone, even if they have not read the work. The main dramatic problem of the work is the problem of the confrontation of feelings and emotions. An analysis of Shakespeare’s work will help to understand better the author’s central message about how blindly following feelings can ruin a person.

Thus, it is necessary to understand what emotions and feelings can adversely affect a person, according to the author. Hence, the main protagonist of Othello’s work was destroyed by a feeling of jealousy, and the main female character Desdemona was killed by blind and unconditional faith in the love of her husband (Waugaman 116). Moreover, another essential character Iago was eaten from the inside by a strong sense of revenge and profit. In addition, it should be noted that “Othello” is a vivid example of a dramatic production. Therefore, it contains all the most important elements that leave readers with the strong feeling of being captivated by the narration, such as the destruction of hopes and the death of the main characters.

It is worth noting that the leading and most dangerous feeling for the characters of the play is jealousy. The emotions that it causes make the characters rash and sometimes take brutal acts. It is worth noting that Othello, Desdemona, Iago manifest it in different ways despite the united feeling. However, the latter becomes the cause of a large number of problems in the work since his distrust manifests itself in a desire for revenge and cruelty.

Work Cited

Waugaman, Richard M. “Othello and the green-eyed monster of jealousy.” The Oxfordian, vol. 19, 2017, pp. 115-128.

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