Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe: A Novel Review

When Robinson was stranded on a deserted island, he attempted to organize his life in the area. The hero had high hope and willpower, and he really wanted to return home; therefore, he did not panic and believed in himself. At the same time, Robinson created a calendar in order to observe the seasons. In addition, he used his knowledge and ingenuity: he constructed a shelter from hand-made materials created tools for work, utensils, and weapons for hunting. Significantly, the person was constantly working, which is why he was never depressed (Defoe, 2008). When Friday appeared on the island, Robinson’s sense of responsibility for another man empowered him even more. Moreover, he was not just waiting to be saved, and Robinson was building a boat.

Robinson changed wild goats into domestic animals and grew a real grapevine. Most impressively, Robinson Crusoe was highly respectful of nature and, from his first days on the island, tamed animals, planted trees, and studied the world around him (Defoe, 2008). Such an attitude toward nature once again emphasizes that he was a real individual who, under any circumstances, remains exactly human and does not conform to these obstacles.

Robinson planned his life on the island; every day, he would read the Holy Scriptures, then he went out hunting, after which he sorted his supplies and prepared food. In this way, he attempted to adapt to the strict conditions of life by imposing household chores daily. The character does not collapse and finds solace in communion with nature (Defoe, 2008). The surrounding wildlife representatives of the animal world, which Robinson Crusoe treated as his not-so-friendly neighbors, helped him remain human for many years and finally wait for his salvation.


Defoe, D. (2008). Robinson Crusoe. RP Books & Audio.

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