Role of Women in “The Things They Carried”


Tim O’Brien, an American author, wrote “The Things They Carried,” a collection of interrelated short stories about a squad of American soldiers engaged in combat in the Vietnam War. Tim goes in-depth on the women’s experiences in Vietnam and how they influenced the soldiers. Women were right there at the men’s sides as they dealt with the horrors of war, just out of the limelight a bit less than the male soldiers. O’Brien uses women to highlight how vital compensation and remembrance were to him and other Vietnam War troops. The roles women play in the novel portray important messages accompanying the memories O’Brien revisits through the stories.


The Things They Carried places a lot of emphasis on the role of women. These men have a variety of viewpoints and emotions regarding the women they cherish and the women they detest, and the women may not even know who they can only envision. Even though the text dedicated to women is brief, its significance is quite important. Three essential women are featured in this book: Martha, Mary Anne, and Linda. Linda plays the role of depicting remembrance and death, Martha portrays love and denial, and Mary Anne Bell represents the loss of innocence and a sense of maturation.

Because Linda has given Tim O’Brien the ability to narrate stories so deeply by relying on memories, her role is both rewarding and deeply saddening. The role of Mary Anne is inspirational since she journeys to Vietnam and discovers herself along the way, redefining the traditional role of women. While supporting Jimmy Cross’s spirits, Martha’s role in this book could be viewed as both positive and problematic because she leads him on. Therefore, the book’s portrayal of women has a significant positive impact. As a team, the women work on the novel’s creation. The female characters represent and reflect soldiers’ feelings and values while serving in battle.

The Things They Carried’s female characters played a role in helping the reader comprehend the various feelings O’Brien was trying to convey, including commemorating the dead and learning forgiveness and the ability to move on. The three major female characters in the book were used to illustrate these ideas. They are extremely important in outlining the key events in O’Brien’s life that led to the turning points that ultimately led to the writing of this book and his capabilities to find peace with what had happened in Vietnam. He stopped trying to conceal what had happened and instead embraced it. Throughout the novel, the women serve as the men’s advocates in their active imagination. Although it was Lieutenant Jimmy Cross’ duty to look out for his soldiers, he could not help but be diverted away by his unrequited love, Martha.


Although O’Brien uses bits of other people’s recollections as a link to keep his memories together, it is these particular women from the novel that indeed reveal the significance of his short stories. They depict what the troops feel, perceive, and experience. The story’s portrayal of women is relatively positive, and even if they weren’t present in a person with the males, the ladies’ roles were nevertheless respected. Women play a vital role in the lives of the men in this book by symbolizing their shortcomings and strengths, despite the notion that males are known for their toughness.

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