Romantic Era: Frederic Chopin Concerto No. 1

The video represents the virtuoso performance of Frederic Chopin Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra in e-minor. The concert involves the play of a piano, multiple violins, and contrabasses, which assemble the performance more complete due to the balanced combination of strings and keyboard musical instruments. The concert hall in which the show took place ensured a good sounding and highlighted the emotional power of the moment enduring the musical performance.

The first piece of the concert, Maestoso, is more fluent, passionate, and has a rapidly changing tempo. The main focus of the melody continuously moves from the piano to strings and vice versa. This variability adds dynamic intensity and fits perfectly into the general concept of the era of romanticism. Romantic era music was highly emotional and had a precise dynamic contrast. Lyric melodies generally contained multiple harmonies and discords tightly combined. It helped the composer create dramatic discords by the clashing of different instruments and pitches to increase the emotional intensity of the performance. A powerful emotional impact on the listener was one of the main objectives of the composers of that time, and this concert demonstrates it well.

The second part, Romance, comprehensively defines the title by staying within a more lyrical tempo. The melody focus primarily persists on the piano; the harmony is fluid and is rarely interrupted by violins and contrabasses. The piece does not reveal any intentional discord and dramatic contrast. However, the emotional impact is still achieved by a flawless changing of the piano tempo without moving beyond the unperturbed pitch. This piece can be considered another example of an inspirational music direction characterizing the romantic era.


Scheps, Olga. (2016). Frédéric Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 e-minor (Olga Scheps live) [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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