How Layoffs Can Lead to Poor Production in Casinos

Review of previous papers

The paper gives an overview of Rondo Tri International, a pioneer industry in the field of Reverse Osmosis, and deals in production of light weight health care products, and its management. The agreement being developed is for the contractor, V.M., to provide internet services aimed at marketing Rondo at a cost, for a period lasting one year from January 14 2013. It also includes the terms of the contract, payments, liability, tax obligations, amendment to the clause and terms for termination of the contract. (View week 1 assignment)

Week two paper focuses on policies for right sizing best built Casinos whose incomes are deteriorating. It gives guidelines as well as expected consequences of retrenching and retaining employees, based on their input and performance.

It is also evident that best built Casinos have rampart cases of discrimination including racial, religious as well as gender. According to this paper, the plumber is fighting for his rights and also that of the spouse who are discriminated. Issues of religious observations are also bringing a lot of problems regarding time and off from work.

Health and safety issues are of concern to all countries and persons. According to week four assignment, employees of every business are entitled to working conditions that are favorable to their health and safety. There are rules like the OSHA which aim at ensuring that this is upheld. Workers unions such as the International Union of Engineers are also committed to implement such conditions.

People’s information is entitled to privacy according to the ECPA act of 1986. The act prevents communication from being intercepted by unauthorized parties. Only operators or communication service providers are allowed to intercept communication as provided by the law. Casinos are also bound by the same law and must operate within the set standards and laws.

Findings and Recommendations

Having found out that resizing the organization is necessary for any business whose income has gone down; I recommend that the proposed ways of having proper policies to govern the process of retrenching and hiring workers be implemented. This should be known to the employees in advance so that it brings no problems at the time of the implementation.

To tackle the issue of discrimination against other workers for their races, tribes and religion, best built casinos according to Walsh (2012) should develop policies to guard employees against any kind of discrimination. Because they have a number of people of different races, religion and abilities, if the issue, and also the varied needs of various religions is not well protected by the law, it may lead to heavy losses in time, to the business, as well as legal consequences.

OSHA (2013) stresses that Casinos also need to ensure safety and healthy working environments for their workers. This if not observed, just like any other company or employer shall lead to fines and legal consequences. OSHA and the IUE are very ready and determined to ensure that this is observed. To be on the safe side of the law, I recommend to the CEO that her Casino should work with OSHA right from the beginning to ensure everything is safe and in order.

One major thing that best built Casinos should be aware of is the law governing communication in the country. The management should know what kind of communication they can intercept and on what basis. Or else, they will fall victims of the ECPA act (Preeo, 1986). I therefore recommend that the Organization through her legal advisers to learn carefully and mark its boundaries of working with employees’ information.

The WARN act

The WARN act works towards protecting workers, their communities and families by informing them, not less than 60 days, of any closure or layoffs of a company. The Casino should take into consideration the issue of time in informing the employees, their representatives, the local chief elected official, the state dislocated worker unit, and the official elected by the local chief, when the company will close or undertake a layoff. This is because it has 125 employees. The Casino should know clearly the workers covered and count properly so as to abide by the requirements of the act. Best built Casinos management should also know who to inform of any closure or layoff. The procedures involved and the timing (United States Department of Labor, 2013).

Practical issues of lay offs

Lay off simply means suspending an employee for some time or permanently. There are many reasons that lead to such, including rebellion, reduced income to the company or underperformance. The law regulates how layoffs can be done to make it acceptable and beneficial to both the parties.

The most serious effect of lying off a person is trauma. The person losses meaning for life and never understands how to feed the family, or what to do next. The team left behind regret and misses the contribution of the person laid off. They are also scared of their fate for they do not know who shall the next person shall be. This may lead to poor production (Johnson, 2013).

There is also lost commitment to the organization on the side of the employees since they know that they are disposable materials. This may lead to poor production as well as working on pressure that may not be beneficial (Sirota, 2013). The managers may also develop an attitude towards their juniors, and the juniors may hate them for this. It will affect relations among the employees hence poor productivity.


All about OSHA. (n.d.). What is OSHA? Web.

Johnson, D. W. (2013). The emotional impact of lay-offs and non-renewals. Web.

Preeo, Silverman, Green & Egle, P.C: Attoneys and Counselors At Law.(2013). Prohibitions against Monitoring Employee E-Mail and Other Electronic Communications. Web.

Sirota, D. (2013). The Impact of Layoffs on Workers and their Companies: Some Observations and Recommendations. Web.

United States Department of Labor. (2013).The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN). Web.

Walsh (2012). Employment Law for Human Resource Practice, 4th ed. [4] (Vital Source Bookshelf), Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, May 5). How Layoffs Can Lead to Poor Production in Casinos.

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StudyCorgi. "How Layoffs Can Lead to Poor Production in Casinos." May 5, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "How Layoffs Can Lead to Poor Production in Casinos." May 5, 2021.

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