Networking and Etiquette Seminar: Key Takeaways from “Schmooze or Lose”

The etiquette skills are essential in the modern context of the business environment. Today, it is important not only to have the basic etiquette knowledge but also to improve it constantly (Schaffer, Kelley and Goette 330). Some cultures are more formal than others in terms of the business communication than others (Chaney and Martin 18). Meanwhile, for other cultures, it is natural to be faithful to the customs of their countries (Martin and Chaney 7). However, although the norms of etiquette vary in many aspects throughout the world, there are some ultimate principles (Morrison, Conaway and Borden 60).

Hence, the ultimate business etiquette tries to comprise all the different specifics of the business communication and to promote the manners acceptable for different cultures (Sabath 11). Therefore, “Schmooze or Lose!” Professional Networking and Dining Etiquette Seminar appeared to be a useful experience in terms of understanding some of the etiquette specifics for the various social and business situations. Moreover, it is important that one’s manners are equally flawless in the different social situations and communication with different people (Carney 28). And in the case of this seminar, it was also helpful for understanding the appropriate ways of business communication in different situations.

It is important to point out the fact that the “Schmooze or Lose!” Seminar was not limited to the aim to learn about the basic dining etiquette in terms table manners, such as handling food and using cutlery. Although the organizers of the seminar made sure to mention the different aspects of table manners and dining, there were much more topics concerning the etiquette of communication in such social situations.

Surprisingly, one of the most valuable experiences of attending this event was the opportunity to learn about things that people should and should not talk about in different situations, and the etiquette of timing for various occasions. For example, in the situation of the job interview, it would be a sign of bad manners not only to arrive late but also to arrive early because the interviewer needs some time in-between conducting the conversation with the different candidates. The early arrival of the next applicant will take away that time from the interviewer. It was also interesting to find out about some aspects of proxemics. It is the guidelines concerning which seat to take in an interview because it is important in terms of the interviewer’s position of power.

Furthermore, the organizers of the interview underlined that in the context of American business environment, it is important to shake hands with all the business partners because it is the main sign of politeness. In my opinion, it was also admirable that the dress code for the business meetings and communication should be universal and standard, and there are some reasonable taboos concerning the outfit that ensure respect for people of different cultures and backgrounds.

The aspect that I most liked about the event was its interactive structure because everyone who attended could participate. The conversation was lively due to the fact that organizers formulated the questions for the audience to answer. However, if there were more time, it would be possible to address more issues.

Many questions concerning the job interviews and dining etiquette were discussed. The information provided by the organizers of the seminar was consistent with the rest of the course and provided a comprehensive practice of the business etiquette.

Works Cited

Carney, Marie. Etiquette in Business. Fort Lauderdale, Florida: Read Books, 2007. Print.

Chaney, Lillian, and Jeanette Martin. Intercultural Business Communication. Pearson, United Kingdom: Pearson Higher Education, 2013. Print.

Martin, Jeanette, and Lillian Chaney. Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to International Communication and Customs. Pearson, United Kingdom: Pearson Higher Education, 2012. Print.

Morrison, Terri, Wayne Conaway, and George Borden. Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Adams, 1997. Print.

Sabath, Ann Marie. International Business Etiquette: Europe. Bloomington, Indiana: iUniverse, 2005. Print.

Schaffer, Burton, Craig Kelley, and Maryann Goette. “Education in Business Etiquette: Attitudes of Marketing Professionals.” Journal of Education for Business 68.6 (1993): 330-333. Print.

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StudyCorgi. "Networking and Etiquette Seminar: Key Takeaways from “Schmooze or Lose”." January 8, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Networking and Etiquette Seminar: Key Takeaways from “Schmooze or Lose”." January 8, 2021.

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