Secularization Theory Through the Lens of Functionalism on the Role of Religion in Society


Today, there is agreement that secularization is of great importance and is a characteristic feature of modern society. It establishes that traditional religious symbols and values cannot function as a force uniting society and that science and technology play a decisive role in solving the problems that have arisen. Hence, this paper aims to explore the realization of functionalism via the prism of secularization theory.

Explanation of the Secularization Theory

Secularization is inextricably linked with the pluralism of worldviews, including religious pluralism. Religion ceases to be a symbol of the main shrine that unites a particular society as a whole. It becomes a matter of personal choice of the individual and not the personification of the only possible truth and the only possible path in life. Religion becomes a private matter for the individual, inevitably leading to a decrease in its power to influence human life.

Moreover, secular attitudes and viewpoints are independent of overtly religious influences and do not incorporate religious terminology (Wallace et al. 193). This holds true for the most significant aspects of contemporary society, its institutions, which are no longer justified by religion. Through a protracted historical process, all of these institutions and facets of society’s life emerged as distinct entities. They have their own norms and operating procedures, standing in contrast to the structure of society’s life and culture, which was based on religion.

How the Secularization Theory Reflects the Functionalist Paradigm

Considering the aim of this theory to liberate major social institutes from any religious connotations, it can be applied to explain how functionalism works. Functionalism is the theory that being in a mental state means being in a functional state. A functional state is a state that can be individualized or distinguished due to its causal relationships. Therefore, a mental state is conditioned by a specific kind of cause – sensory input and has a specific type of effect – behavior at the output. Through the secularization lens, it can be clear that by involving the religious basis in the development of, for instance, schools, the students will be obliged to conform to the religion-related rules.

Every component of society influences the stability of the whole and is, therefore, more than the sum of its individual components. In reality, the delegates actually envisioned society as an organism in which each part serves a crucial function. However, no one can function alone, withstand a crisis, or fail. When viewing it from the secularists’ perspective, it can be claimed that each party is independent and bears a specific purpose. Yet, they all function together to make up a unit (Wallace et al. 200).

Additionally, secularization may consider functionalism as role allocation to people in society. It implies that by adhering to a certain social status, society is balanced and does not have deviations. For instance, when some are religious and others are atheists, there is an equilibrium.


In conclusion, in sociology, secularization is the shift away from a strong association with religious institutions and ideals toward secular institutions and nonreligious values. In terms of this theory, functionalism is a system that enables people to act in accordance with their roles and make up a diverse society. This idea is to liberate but acknowledge different groups’ functions in both functionalism and secularism.

Work Cited

Wallace, Michael, el al. “Religious Affiliation and Hiring Discrimination in the American South: A Field Experiment,” Social Currents, vol. 1, no. 2, 2014, pp. 189-207. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Secularization Theory Through the Lens of Functionalism on the Role of Religion in Society." February 27, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Secularization Theory Through the Lens of Functionalism on the Role of Religion in Society." February 27, 2025.

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