Self-Analysis: A Test of Personality

The results I received on the self-assessments show that I am open to changes, well-organized, enthusiastic, passionate, polite, although I can be irritable and moody. As for the productiveness, self-assessment confirmed that I have to increase my productivity levels and learn to prioritize my tasks better. I am not experiencing burnout, although I can, according to some risk factors.

I have a low chance of developing stress in some situations, and, according to the assessment, I have a strong internal locus of control. Considering communication and problem-solving skills, I am a capable communicator and an excellent problem-solver. I am a reliable team member, and I work effectively to perform better. According to the poll, I am also a great leader and a manager with excellent people skills and anger management. Creativity and my decision-making are some of my strengths, but my project managing skills still require improvement.

Taking the culture of my organization into account, the people here are supportive and the overall atmosphere is healthy despite the small size of my department. My current management is proficient, although I feel it supports the old management style, which does not help us to become accustomed to constant innovations in technologies. The lack of a new management style creates a conflict because, as nursing professionals, we need to learn new information constantly to adapt to changes.

To work through these conflicts, I tend to self-train to become a better version of myself. I examine PowerPoint presentations and share the knowledge I acquire with my co-workers. However, in my opinion, to ensure that our facility will have a positive future in medicine, we, as a major hospital, have to change the managing style. A particular aspect of the culture keeps me in this organization, and that is a collective. We overcome obstacles together as a team and work effectively, which creates a healthy work environment.

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