Self-Appraisal in Managerial Skill Development and Future Planning

Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses

While evaluating the strengths and weaknesses, specific reference has been made to subjective analysis of the level of skills. Nevertheless, answering the proposed questions implied a certain note of objectivity and, therefore, it was easy to define certain advantages and disadvantages in my knowledge and skills.

While evaluating the strengths, I was specifically focused on the answers that I absolutely agree with. Previous assessment of skills does not provide a deep insight into my experience and knowledge because of insufficient awareness of the definition of the proposed skills. Therefore, the analysis of the proposed eight skills was based solely on my personal perception of the skills, as well as on the material presented in the classrooms and lectures.

As per my weaknesses, I do not have enough practical skills to apply theoretical material received during the development plan courses. In particular, I leg behind considerably in terms of negotiation and decision making skills that would allow me to face challenges effectively.

Differences between Current and Previous Self-Appraisal Analysis

Previous analysis of the proposed skills – time management, delegation, prioritization, communication, negotiation, leadership, motivating others, and team building – differs significantly from the current evaluation because of the greater understanding of the empirical importance of the acquired skills. Unlike the previous self-appraisal, the current one provides a much favourable picture of myself because of my confidence and understanding of personal needs and goals. In particular, I realize that my communication and leadership skills have been enhanced significantly and, as a result, other competencies have been advanced, including team building, delegation, and prioritization. Specifically, understanding how to establish favourable relations with other team members is premised on successful communication, whereas a team-building process is more focused on my ability to make decisions and solve problems. In addition, though some of the skills were improved, I still feel that they should be improved further.

Level of Adherence to the Targets and Objectives of the Development Plan

Effective goal accomplishment depends on the extent to which a manager advanced his skills, knowledge, and experience. Previously, I was specifically concerned with the essentials of leading and managing a strategic management department, as well as the mains steps to be taken to alleviate the existing pitfalls within a department. In this respect, I have understood that leadership should be based on respect, authority, and ability to reach consensus with team members.

Achieving organizational goals should be in congruence with the level of skill development and improvement. Previous Development Plan was more focused on skills improvement, apart from the consideration of external factors. However, managing a strategic department should be more concerned with the employed environment and external factors influencing self-improvement and professional growth. The pitfalls of previously introduced Development Plan lied in excess focus on theoretical perspectives of training, with almost no presentation of practical assignments. In this respect, the next step in plan sophistication includes an analysis of possible practical assignments.

Revised Plan for the Future

Identified Weaknesses

  1. Deficiency of experience in negotiating and facing challenges;
  2. Discrepancies in theory on change management and leadership and empirical approaches to learning.

Identified Strengths

  1. Consistent and sufficient knowledge and skills in communication and cooperation;
  2. Effective work in teams;

Revised Plan (sequence of stages)

  1. Assessment of the outcomes, as well as analysis of possible improvements to be made; (2 days)
  2. Checking the level of acquired knowledge and experience is important for working strategies and steps for further advancement of the identified skills. An assessment test will take 1 hour to define the shifts and improvements in my skills. (1day)
  3. Reassessment of learning and control and engagement of constant action and reflection on the initiated programs. In my case, the accent should be made on the analysis of stakeholders involved into the program, assessment of benefits for the participants, and ability to evaluate personal achievement in an objective way (3 weeks). This stage of the development plan will involve three parts – analysis of theoretical material on change management, personal evaluation and decision-making; development of new concepts and strategies to fulfil the gaps in knowledge; prediction of possible contingencies and difficulties in acquiring the material.
  4. They were evaluating the effectiveness of the trained skills, including prioritization, delegation, and collaboration with regard to the real-to-life situation. These skills should still be practised because the first stage of the development plan was not consistent enough to combine theory and practice. (1 week).

The entire plan, therefore, will take about a month to improve the achievements and pitfalls of the previous development plan.

The Most and Least Successful Methods of Learning in Skill Development Program

Skill Development Program is a sophisticated process, including a combination of theoretical and practical perspectives. In this respect, the presentation of the first stage of Development Plan can reveal possible pitfalls and benefits of the training process. In this respect, I have defined that learning style analysis is among the most efficient methods for assessing personal skills and knowledge. This practical assignment points out the least and the most developed aspects of an individual as a leader of a strategic department. Personal evaluation of potential in learning and development is also an important step to self-cognition. However, it does not provide a clear picture of individual strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, reliance on theoretical models at the first stage of goals accomplishment is effective because it maximizes the accuracy of self-appraisal.

The differences between the initial plan and the presented one are obvious because of the practical focus on the widening personal experience. However, both plans are still focused on the analysis of personal goals and needs.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 10). Self-Appraisal in Managerial Skill Development and Future Planning.

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StudyCorgi. "Self-Appraisal in Managerial Skill Development and Future Planning." February 10, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Self-Appraisal in Managerial Skill Development and Future Planning." February 10, 2021.

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