Motivation Levels Among the Staff Members

Promoting the concept of multiculturalism and creating the environment in which decision-making will not be affected by prejudice is one of the primary goals of a modern organization (Brink and Nel 6). Preventing the instances of discrimination is especially important for a firm that has already established a strong presence in the global market. Therefore, the problem that Starbucks must face will require a reconsideration of the current set of values and the active reinforcement of diversity and tolerance principles the training program aimed at institutionalizing the specified change in the organization’s context may meet resistance from Starbucks’ employees, yet the adoption of the principles of transformational leadership along with a system of incentives and fines will help manage the process successfully.

The successful promotion of change in a workplace environment hinges on a range of factors, including internal, i.e., company-dependent, and external ones, i.e., the factors that are outside the reach of the organization. Personal convictions and worldviews of Starbucks’ employees fall under the latter category and are likely to affect the success of the change. However, with the focus on ethical principles, as well as the policy aimed at meeting the needs of both customers and employees, the staff members are likely to accept the innovative approach. Therefore, it is crucial to prompt a positive change in employees’ personality and their idea of multicultural communication.

Reports show that implicit bias training as a concept may fail to deliver the expected outcomes (Burns et al. 99). The specified phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that there is no clear evidence as to the efficacy of implicit bias methods are supposed to measure, not to mention how efficient they are (Jackson et al. 427). However, there are also assumptions that, by using tools for boosting target population’s motivation levels, one is likely to help them develop new behaviors and attitudes (Brink and Nel 8). Thus, one must focus on keeping the motivation levels among the staff members high.

It is assumed that the transformational leadership framework will help boost the staff’s motivation rates, as well as encourage them to accept the suggested behaviors. The use of the transformational leadership framework will promote the acquisition of values and ethical principles that will allow the target demographic to recognize the importance of tolerance and political correctness. Therefore, the adoption of a uniform approach toward managing change in the workplace must be recognized as a necessity.

It is essential that the transformational leadership framework should be included into the array of tools that will be designed to alter the mindset of Starbucks’ staff members. The use of the transformational Leadership framework will be used to boost the motivation levels among staff members since the implicit bias training may lead to a drop therein. Apart from the reconsideration of the existing corporate policies and placing the emphasis on the importance of diversity, one should also consider introducing disciplinary actions as the means of restricting employees’ resistance toward alterations in business policies and values.

Works Cited

Brink, Lizelle, and Jan Alewyn Nel. “Exploring the Meaning and Origin of Stereotypes amongst South African Employees.” SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, vol. 41, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-13.

Burns, Mason D., et al. “Training away Bias: The Differential Effects of Counterstereotype Training and Self-Regulation on Stereotype Activation and Application.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 73, no. 1, 2017, pp. 97-110.

Jackson, Sarah M., et al. “Using Implicit Bias Training to Improve Attitudes toward Women in STEM.” Social Psychology of Education, vol. 17, no. 3, 2014, pp. 419-438.

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