Sex Under Pressure and Its Background Aspects

The relationship between a man and a woman is a complex and multifaceted concept with many controversial aspects. The main issue in relationships is the use of male power, namely the degree and situations in which it was performed. Nowadays, a common issue is sexual relations under pressure and manifestations of abuse. However, the main task is to identify how to determine the real meaning of forced sex, namely to analyze the background aspects.

Seduction is not always something tender, refined, and filled with love, but sometimes it is similar to an attack. It may seem to one that if seduction has an element of pressure, then this is ethically unacceptable (Anderson, 2005). However, to clearly define the degree of pressure, one needs to delve into the concepts of the hierarchy of relationships, especially sexual ones. Thus, according to one of the notions, one of the types of pressure is the choice of the target of sexual seduction of someone who does not want to be this target (Anderson, 2005). In other words, the very process of seduction, even if it is not intrusive, may already constitute pressure.

Further, despite the similar principle of sexual pressure in men and women, there is a fundamental difference. Thus, pressure from a man differs in the fact that thanks to one’s abilities, a man can turn harmless pressure into a dangerous one (Anderson, 2005). Thereby, women use radically different methods of sexual pressure that are not based on physical domination. In addition, the manifestation of sexual aggression from women is often perceived as “sexual energy” or “seductiveness” (Anderson, 2005). However, women who report being under sexual aggression from men characterize it with much more negative features. Finally, men’s reaction to women’s sexual aggression manifestation depends on how attractive the female aggressor is.


Anderson, S. A. (2005). Sex under pressure: Jerks, boorish behavior, and gender hierarchy. Res Publica, 11(4), 349-369.

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