Sexuality in Older Adults: Stereotypes and Social Perceptions


The influence of sexual relations on a person is multifaceted. The physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of our lives are affected. Against the background of a decrease in the production of sex hormones, sexual desire, and sexual activity gradually decrease. Not only the young but also the elderly themselves are ashamed to talk about intimate relationships of people in years. That is why they think it is indecent and outdated.

Main Body

One of the main reasons for the invisibility of sexual activity among old people is social standards promoted by stereotypes and mass media. If a group of people is asked to imagine sex, then the absolute majority of them will imagine a young couple. The fact is that advertising, magazines, films, and even porn films promote the image of “ideal sexuality”, which consists in having a young, strong, elastic body without a single wrinkle or signs of aging. In such conditions, old people who are opposites of these standards are not perceived by society as people who can have sex (Štulhofer et al., 2020). There is also a stereotypical image of an old man. Thus, adults should have modesty and lead a measured lifestyle, engage in grandchildren, housework, or gardening. Intimate relationships do not fit into these restrictive standards.

A manifesto against ageism links the lack of representation of intimacy among the old with gender prejudice. Firstly, in the current social system, women’s aging is perceived as an ugliness and something that needs to be hidden (Vos, 2021). That is why women carefully try to hide their age – they dye their hair and perform operations. Secondly, society is contemptuous and condescending towards the reduction of erection in men. It is generally believed that a man will never be able to be wealthy in his sexual life.


The sexual behavior of elderly people is significantly influenced by public opinion, which denies the legitimacy of sexual experiences and the possibility of sexual contact during this period of life. The general deterioration of health and the absence of sexual partners can indeed complicate the sexual life of older people. Still, there is no reason to believe that at this age, a person should not receive sexual satisfaction. Other important things often come to the fore: tender feelings, emotional closeness, and the desire to be loved.


Štulhofer, A., Jurin, T., Graham, C., Janssen, E., & Træen, B. (2020). Emotional intimacy and sexual well-being in aging European couples: A cross-cultural mediation analysis. European journal of ageing, 17, 43-54.

Vos, M. (2021). This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism. Education, 21-21.

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