Shifting Gender Roles in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath’s Tale


Geoffrey Chaucer’s portrayal of gender roles in The Wife of Bath’s Tale differs significantly from other sources from that period. The author puts women in charge of judging men’s actions throughout the text. While the story begins with sexual assault that is later dismissed, it contains elements that present a picture that differs from traditional gender roles (Chaucer line 894). This writing breaks some of the familiar tropes of that time, giving women more power over men than was often shown in other works.

Revolutionary Views on Gender Roles

First, feminine roles within society are shown to be highly influential on essential matters in life. Women hold power throughout the story by deciding the Knight’s future for him. This notion becomes apparent when the Queen can use her royal power on the same level as the King when the Knight’s punishment is being decided. Chaucer shows that she could ” chese whether he wolde him save or spille” (line 905).

Furthermore, she sends him on a mission focusing solely on women’s desires. On this journey, women know that they are deciding the fate of a man, yet reveal vastly different answers to his question (Chaucer line 932). Thus, their desires are shown to be more dominant than their wish to help the Knight, whose life is on the line.

Traditional Views on Gender Roles

However, the story falls into familiar gender tropes at the end. The old hag supports the Knight and resolves his problem (Chaucer line 1062). Furthermore, her attitude sends mixed signals as she coerces the Knight to marry her, only to take on the role that entirely conforms to society’s norms. Chaucer writes that the Knight’s wife, who shared women’s secrets with him and saved his life, “obeyed him in everything” after their marriage and became young and beautiful (line 1265). Thus, the traditional feminine gender role is also shown within this text despite the past divergences.

The masculine role is also shown differently, although traditional elements are embedded in the story. The Knight has to rely on the mercy of women throughout his journey (Chaucer line 928). While it might be possible for the Knight to derive the answer from these talks, he keeps searching, only to find his salvation in the promise of marriage to another woman. Still, his woes regarding his new wife’s age show that the masculine role of ensuring one’s lineage remains prominent in the story (Chaucer line 1105). Therefore, the author presents a different perspective on both genders’ societal positions, commenting on their distinct yet equal roles in life.


In conclusion, The Wife of Bath’s Tale creates a two-fold view on gender positions, which utilizes archaic and less outdated ideas. The story focuses on women and their perspectives on life while men surrender their authority. Queen Guinevere appears to be equal to King Arthur and makes a demand that can be seen as solely feminist.

The ending also reveals the qualities of women that do not align with the archaic antifeminist views. When the author shows that women seek to become equal to men in their relationships, this desire is supported by the Knight’s decision. However, traditional gender roles are partially incorporated within the story through the Knight’s new wife’s actions at the end and his forgiveness from the Queen.

Work Cited

Chaucer, Geoffrey. “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.” The Norton Anthology of English Literature, edited by Stephen Greenblatt, translated by Seamus Heaney, 10th ed., W.W. Norton & Company, 2018, pp. 275-284.

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StudyCorgi. "Shifting Gender Roles in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath’s Tale." February 14, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Shifting Gender Roles in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath’s Tale." February 14, 2025.

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