Mannan supermarket maintains a healthy checkout aisle because it has natural food and healthy items rather than sugary snacks or unhealthy items at the checkout section. The Shop has a good produce section neatly arranged along the perimeter of the check out section. The arrangement enables the customers to see the fresh fruits and vegetables displayed quickly. The checkout section arrangement provides the shoppers with healthy snacks such as nuts, seeds, and water. Fruits are offered at the front, at the checkout line, and outside the store. The outside place is stocked with fruits such as pineapples and has eliminated sugary candy from the checkout. There are stocked low-sodium canned products as well as canned fruits in juice at a tune of 100%. Sugar and salt elements are found in packaged products; hence the produce section has a healthy choice of stocking them. There is a healthy sandwich and meal combos displayed at the deli counter. These choices of healthy sandwiches help promote healthy food choices and alternative prices for different products. There are adverts promoting healthy food choices throughout the Shop where customers can read and get a suggestion for beverages and other healthy food choices to buy from the supermarket. There is a display of water-packed bottles at strategic points throughout the Shop at eye level. The display makes it easy for healthy foods to be seen by customers, and promotions help customers buy healthy products.
Description of the Store and Discussion of Findings of the Shop Healthy Assessment

The mannan supermarket location is 166-11 Hillside Avenue 1st FL, Queens, NY 11432, United States. The store adheres to the healthy NYC recommendations with a great display with water displayed together with low calories as well as refrigerator drinks in areas and levels that are easily visible. Produce is displayed at the checkout and in front of the inside of the Shop as suggested by Shop healthy NYC (Shop Healthy NYC). The Shop’s centre is where the processed and junk foods are placed, while fruits juice and whole-grain products are easily placed in readily accessible at visible areas. It is advisable to stock not less than two healthy snacks, especially where the target customers are school kids or parents who have kids, to help families make good and healthy food choices. At the entrance, there are no adverts, and there is the use of healthy marketing materials inside the supermarket promoting fruits, vegetables, and products with no added sugar.
The products stocked are healthy options, including deli meat and healthy canned goods such as low sodium beans. Many supermarkets have canned goods, and providing a healthy alternative to the large stocks of existing products enables customers to have a wide range of choices for healthy diet options. The store performed well based on assessment using shop Healthy NYC recommendations, but some improvements can help promote healthy diets. Suggested improvements included stocking more healthy snacks at the checkout, making changes to wicker baskets, and a floor display stand containing fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods. For instance, there are no large stocks of water bottles at the checkout and other visible areas; hence this may deter people from buying the product. The produce section can be improved by ensuring the products are of high quality and fresh at all times to ensure customers consider it an excellent source for healthy products. The prices are affordable, promoting the objective of making healthy foods available to customers.