Significance of Background of Research Study


Research is one of the most important aspects of various studies, and by finding relevant information, the most realistic research can be done. However, some problems might occur during the source finding. For instance, the changes in technology have allowed people to find information online, and it is convenient to read an article on the internet rather than going to the library.


Nevertheless, there are a lot of misleading websites online which provide wrong information which cannot be used in professional research programs. Google Scholar and online school libraries can be reliable platforms for finding needed data (Williamson et al., 2019). An additional problem that occurs while researching is the inability to understand the question or the problem. It is complicated to complete the research when the question and the topic are unclear. To ensure the understanding of the research problem, people should start with the basic question to find out the importance of the research and what issues should be studied in more depth.

The significance of the research study should not be underestimated, and before finding relevant sources, the meaning of the study should be revealed. For instance, this might be a personal interest in the topic or a school task. Both aspects require the use of proofread sources with supporting evidence (Pramodini, 2022). Moreover, the significance of the research can be identified when the researcher has a prior understanding of the topic from the classes or individual education. To make the research study correct, people should use theories and experiments to present a breakthrough in the study which has not been shown before. Otherwise, a common result can be found out, but the methodology can be unique. In this case, the significance of the research will increase.


By using background information in the research study, professionals can show the development trend. When the situation in the past is stated clearly, it is easier to understand whether the particular case has improved or not. Moreover, the researcher can base further studies on the past experience in the discussed area. Background implementation is a common technique that is used to compare events and make a specific conclusion (Hubert, 2017). Consequently, the research paper should start with the background and finish with the compared result in the study’s body paragraphs.

Reference List

Hubert, L. D. (2017) Background Practices: Essays on the Understanding of Being. Oxford University Press.

Pramodini, D. V. (2022) ‘Evaluation of importance for research in education’, International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 11(1). Web.

Williamson, B., Potter, J and Eynon, R. (2019) ‘New research problems and agendas in learning, media and technology: The editors’ wishlist’, Learning, Media and Technology, 44(2), pp. 87-91. Web.

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