Socio-Political Influences on the US Society

Specific Effects Urban Sprawl had on US Society

Urban sprawl refers to the rapid growth and expansion of towns and cities. The urban sprawl in the US started around 1920s and peaked in 1950s and it came with effects to the society (Chen et al., 2020). The issue has led to increased use of energy, pollution and traffic congestion which have reduced the community’s individualism and cohesive natures. Due to physical and environmental alteration, the natural habitat was fragmented raising concerns over the conflict in the ecosystem. As a result of urban sprawl, many US citizens purchased single-unit homes and started owning automobiles due to the boosted infrastructure and amenities in many towns. Many metropolitan areas in the western side of the US had massive population increase due to new residents who led to upsurge in individual spatial footprints.

Businesses were opened in many areas which raised the issues of taxation from property and sales. The local character of community was diminished because of ubiquitous commercial signage. Small-scale businesses were affected after traffic congestion started developing leading to favor to large-scale businesses which would be accessed easier (Chen et al., 2020). That was due to population growth that comes as a result of metropolitan areas absorbing many local individuals. Additionally, the ethnic profiles emerged in all areas unlike before when some communities such African Americans were confined in specific native areas.

Impacts of Rock and Roll and Teen Culture to US Society

Rock and Roll is lifestyle that instigated in the US influenced by music incorporating international rock music. Teen culture refers to the living norms that are associated with the young people especially the age where one discovers their identity. Rock and Rock encouraged the youth to break from a conservative American mold which was termed primeval and embraced modernism that is characterized by extensive adoption of technology in everything (Boxill-Clark, 2020). Additionally, it is through this style where civil rights movements emerged breeding stratified minority and majority groups and ethnicities.

A blended African American and whites’ music changed the social norms where racism was seen as primitive. In this case, a soundtrack of youthful generation is evident in teen culture where many young people are bold in deciding and can challenge their parents or older people. In 1950s, Rock and Roll created common culture between all the races due to rise of radio and television as well as availability (Boxill-Clark, 2020). The teen culture saw many teenagers express themselves though musical compositions and that significantly united both white and people of color since it emerged during the time when racial disparities were rampant in the US. Through the mutual love for entertainment, Rock and Roll put Americans together playing a key in ending inhumane issues that were being practiced then.

How Dynamic Conservatism Affected US Political Landscape

Dynamic conservatism refers to the aspect of being liberal in everything pertaining human and having conservative ideologies to fiscal matters. Politically, dynamic conservatism led to decentralization of federal projects through collaboration of state and local administrations without forgetting the private sector. For instance, the Federal Highway Act and Air Pollution Control Act are some of examples of dynamic conservatism as developed by initial framer, Dwight Eisenhower (McCain, 2019). This concept has built a political landscape which combined religion-based insights and orientations that limited government spending and allowed free operation of marketplaces. Through dynamic conservatism, the US began being conservative when it came to money and liberal for human beings’ factor. For instance, social securities were established and at the same time, government started subsidizing prices for basic commodities.

The insights from Eisenhower’s framework gave rise to political enlightenment that understood the importance of private culture in combatting problems faced by citizens such as hiring people to work in specific industries which would reduce the US unemployment rate. Today, there are political moves that appeal to voluntary solving of economic and social programs such as hunger, lack of education and unemployment (McCain, 2019). These factors are key for any political perspective since they measure the proficiency of a certain government. The framework is important since it ensured that the president does not have executive roles that limit common good to the ruled and through its sociopolitical factions, the political landscape was positively affected.

The Politics of Consensus

When it comes to politics of consensus, it means decision-making incorporates a wide array of opinions from both majority, minority and the opposition parties. In this type of politics, there is no tyranny of majority since it allows democratic adoption of an issue. Many people can decide in this form of leadership as far as there is inclusion of the government and the general society. Compared to the current US politics, consensus has been challenged by the disregard that some parties are shown over sensitive issues (Rostow, 2021). The influence of ruling party often takes the day and that has led to breeding of culture where Democrats and Republicans fight on agreeing over an issue.

The divide on political policies between the two parties have contributed to politics of rage which are costly to manage, and leverage on future basis. Between dynamic conservatism and politics of consensus, it is better to adopt politics of consensus. The reason is that it will lead to harmony in the country which means everyone will be focused to develop their personal interests and that is how economic stabilization is achieved (Rostow, 2021). Importance of politics of consensus is that it allows holistic view when it comes to the interests of a given country without basing on a specific person or group.

Effect on Sputnik on US Society

The launch of world’s largest satellite to orbit the earth by Russia had various effects to the US. Americans felt that they were overtaken by Russia and did not want to be left behind hence, accelerating the space and weapon programs. To match the Soviets, the US increased efforts that saw landing on the moon in 1969 (Hatzivassiliou, 2020). The US and Russia gave way to space race due to launching of Sputnik. The US foreign policy is to promote freedom and democracy while protecting human rights. With space race occurring, it means security issues are breached, and creation of better world is challenged too. However, Sputnik signaled technological and military prowess hence, solidifying the relationship between space exploration and prestige for different countries.

Domestic policy was affected since the public endured a long duration of fear and anxiety about the perceived warfare that could occur if countries started showcasing their powerful arms. Furthermore, Sputnik led to advancement in research and innovation through scientific discoveries of equipment that can be useful in boosting technology and economies of scale (Hatzivassiliou, 2020). The desire to overtake Russia indirectly accelerated the awareness of the need to be ready to develop effective strategies for safety. The US was focused to protect any adverse action by its adversaries to harms the citizens and hence, there was need to prevent anything that might endanger the public as per the requirements of the US domestic policy.


Boxill-Clark, C. (2020). In Search of Harmony in Culture: An Analysis of American Rock Music and the African American Experience. Web.

Chen, G., Li, X., Liu, X., Chen, Y., Liang, X., Leng, J.,… & Huang, K. (2020). Global projections of future urban land expansion under shared socioeconomic pathways. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-12. Web.

Hatzivassiliou, E. (2020). The view from NATO: Sputnik as a catalyst, 1957–8. The International History Review, 42(6), 1137-1154. Web.

McCain, K. (2019). Epistemic conservatism and the basing relation. Routledge.

Rostow, W. W. (2021). 8. The Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson Efforts to Control Inflation, 1957-1972: Innovations Should Be Institutionalized. In Concept and Controversy (pp. 262-278). University of Texas Press.

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