Sociology Impact and Laurie Taylor’s Point of View

Within the scholarly dimension, there have been many discussions on the issue of why sociology is important. Plenty of academicians and recognized theoreticians have provided a strong rationale regarding this issue. Laurie Taylor, being a significant scholar, has given an interview that contains several notable arguments and ideas within the scope of the theme mentioned. It seems relevant to assess this interview to determine his point of view on the matter.

In the video, Taylor aims to explain how one can use sociology to challenge unoriginal thinking. He claims that sociology is to go beyond the position of political “pundits” who do not aspire to challenge conventional truths appropriately (OpenLearn, 2015). These politicians do not protest against the existing order indeed – they rather try to influence society via diverse channels – TV, social media, or newspapers. Meanwhile, sociologists should ask a question that nobody else is asking – they should think broader (OpenLearn, 2015). It seems rational to assess such arguing as reasonable and relevant. In contemporary conditions, when everything surrounding a person targets to affect his or her opinion, sociology may be a proper instrument to utilize. It, having social relations as an object for studying, allows developing critical thinking of them, which is a foundation of today’s world.

Thus, it should be stated that Laurie Taylor has provided a notable approach to understanding sociology. He suggests that its application in real life might improve the person’s critical thinking, which may challenge conventional truths. It was assumed that Laurie’s perception of sociology is appropriate and reliable. This supposition derives from the fact that the critical comprehension of current social relations results in the rational interpretation of surrounding reality.


OpenLearn from The Open University. (2015). Why is sociology important? – The Laurie Taylor interviews (4/10) [Video]. YouTube.

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