Spiritual Wellness Journey: Insights from Hrabe’s Wholeness Approach

The assigned paper topic is spirituality as a concept and its application in nursing. The article examined in this paper is “Spiritual Wellness: A Journey Toward Wholeness” by Hrabe, Melnyk, and Neale (2018). This paper summarizes the idea of spirituality and its connection to well-being. The text has a significant impact on my personal and professional life because it provides an understanding that positive changes can be made at any stage of life.

Assigned Article Summary

The article focuses on spirituality, its aspects, and the necessity to apply this concept in healthcare. The main ideas that Hrabe et al. (2018) explore in their article are connected to balance that an individual can achieve through spirituality, which is applicable for both a nurse and his or her patients. The concept involves a personal search for sources of inspiration and motivation, which reflect individual values and beliefs.

According to Hrabe et al. (2018), spirituality is “a sense of connection outside ourselves and includes our values, meaning, and purpose” (p. 24). The article provides an understanding that lack of purpose results in energy losses for an individual. Additionally, Ross et al. (2018) state that the basis of a nurse’s work is compassion, which cannot be executed without spirituality. Thus, the text showcases the connection between mental and physical care.

Spiritual growth is accessible to every individual and should be promoted. Eastern meditative approaches are proposed by Hrabe et al. (2018) as a way to improve spiritual well-being. However, the primary idea is that medical personnel should help patients search for their spiritual values and acquire more knowledge on the topic. Additionally, the authors emphasize that spirituality is not necessarily connected to religion and church (Hrabe et al., 2018). These components present practical advice that nurses can apply in their daily practice.

Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice

The content of the article has a significant impact on my future professional nursing practice because it presents evidence suggesting that spirituality is as essential as physical health. Firstly, the work in question has implications for my future work as a nurse because it offers an understanding of the importance that emotional support has for the well-being of individuals. Therefore, I will give more time to my patients, ensure to incorporate moral help into my practice, and dedicate more attention to spiritual values.

Secondly, I will make certain that the environment at my workplace is more spiritual by encouraging colleagues to focus on inner harmony. This is due to the fact that the article provides multiple pieces of evidence of the necessity to pay attention to personal mental health and inner peace through self-control and emphasis on well-being. Therefore, the information from the text has valuable implications for my personal and professional life.


Overall, the article in question aims to explore the topic of spirituality and its importance, as well as the connection of the concept to nursing practice. The authors provide an explanation of the notion while emphasizing that spirituality differs from religious beliefs. Additionally, the article encourages nurses to promote the search for the purpose among patients and care for their emotional well-being together with physical health. For me, this work presented an implication for both personal and professional life. I plan on applying these concepts by focusing on spirituality and explaining the meaning to patients and colleagues.


Hrabe, D., Melnyk, B. M., & Neale, S. (2018). Spiritual wellness: A journey toward wholeness. American Nurse Today, 13(10), 24-26.

Ross, L., Mcsherry, W., Giske, T., Leeuwen, R., Schep-Akkerman, A., Koslander, T., … Jarvis, P. (2018). Nursing and midwifery students’ perceptions of spirituality, spiritual care, and spiritual care competency: A prospective, longitudinal, correlational European study. Nurse Education Today, 67, 64-71. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 23). Spiritual Wellness Journey: Insights from Hrabe’s Wholeness Approach. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-wellness-a-journey-toward-wholeness-by-hrabe/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Spiritual Wellness Journey: Insights from Hrabe’s Wholeness Approach'. 23 July.

1. StudyCorgi. "Spiritual Wellness Journey: Insights from Hrabe’s Wholeness Approach." July 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-wellness-a-journey-toward-wholeness-by-hrabe/.


StudyCorgi. "Spiritual Wellness Journey: Insights from Hrabe’s Wholeness Approach." July 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-wellness-a-journey-toward-wholeness-by-hrabe/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Spiritual Wellness Journey: Insights from Hrabe’s Wholeness Approach." July 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-wellness-a-journey-toward-wholeness-by-hrabe/.

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