Sports Management and its Impact on Society

Sports management is an integral part of the sporting sphere, the main task of which is managing the business processes. The sports manager is engaged in the planning and regulating activities related to the athletes themselves and sports organizations, as well as information support. Sport represents a significant part of the life of human communities, and regulating this frequency responds, among other things, to acute social problems.

Sport is an integral part of modern society, not only at the level of private life but also for large communities and even global associations. Sports management helps in highlighting the ethical and legal aspects of the sports business, which affects society as a whole. In addition, sports management responds to the demands of internal stakeholders and culture, including through the social responsibility of the sports business. An example of the implementation of social responsibility is the National Football League (NFL), most of whose teams are involved in community initiatives, education, and philanthropy (Yang & Babiak, 2021).

An essential aspect of sports management is the control over the observance of sports ethics, which allows for healthier relationships between athletes and impacts the global community. In this context, monitoring doping and prohibited substances within teams, clubs, and associations are most often mentioned. Tighter control of doping within sports organizations improves the integrity of sports competitions, which undoubtedly strengthens international cooperation in sports (Lussier & Kimball, 2020).

The role of sports management in boosting initiatives aimed at diversity and equality is vital since even a local change in the situation in sports can affect public opinion. Therefore, it is essential to mention the role of sports organizations in increasing the representation of women among athletes. The growth in the number of women in sports, on the one hand, creates conditions for the expansion of the sports business (NASSM, Blog 2022). On the other hand, it benefits society by encouraging girls to participate in sports, despite social pressure.

The sports industry contributes to improving global interaction between communities; it reflects all the current positive and negative public sentiments that cannot be ignored. Sports management allows for improving processes within the sport and influences external requests, not ignoring them but adapting them to the right conditions. Furthermore, process management helps to build a strategy and action plan for the sports business in the context of new social challenges.


Communications, N. A. S. S. M., User, G., Soldat-Valenzuela, S., Kim, A., & Ballouli, K. (2022). Blog. NASSM. Web.

Lussier, R. N., & Kimball, D. C. (2020). Applied sport management skills (3rd ed.). Human Kinetics.

Yang, D., & Babiak, K. (2021). How league and community affect corporate philanthropy in professional sport: A multiple field embeddedness perspective. Journal of Sport Management, 35(5), 395–406. Web.

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