Stark Street Pizza Company’s Business Analysis

While conducting business, it is important to take into account the strengths and weaknesses. A firm should focus on strengths and create new advantages that competitors are lacking. Stark Street Pizza Company is a small restaurant in Portland which has a small regional footprint. Nevertheless, it has been around since the 1960s and is still going strong even during difficult times of the coronavirus pandemic.

First of all, one of their primary strengths is how the leader treats his employees. For instance, the staff is provided with flexible work schedules which they can change however they like. In addition, the director realizes that since there are many national restaurant chains, it would be difficult to develop business. Competition with well-known global restaurants constantly threatens profits and future development. Therefore, he took a different approach to build the company’s reputation. For instance, Stark Street Pizza often helps the community by supporting sports teams and clubs in local schools, which creates advertisements for them around children and their parents. For this reason, it can be assumed that the restaurant is aware of the needs of its target customers and addresses them to become more popular.

Furthermore, the company also hosts Midway Business Association meetings, which suggests that it has support from the outside. The firm also has a distinctive logo as a part of its intellectual property, which helps it to be recognized around the community. In addition, even though Start Street Pizza Company’s prices are considered to be fair, the restaurant is constantly improving the quality of ingredients. Moreover, it provides delivery service during the pandemic, which allows the firm to stay afloat. Such openness to changes means that the company is agile and can adapt to different conditions.

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