Stealing: The Unethical Issue

Stealing is not a good act of human behavior, and there is no excuse for it, regardless of the circumstances that led the person to commit it. One can hardly justify the theft of twenty million dollars by sending one million to charity. However, in the above situation, there is no one hundred percent confirmation of the affinity between the two incidents. That connection was represented after a long time, and no official sources confirming the association of what was said have been found.

Television corporations, against the background of their declining popularity, are willing to do anything to increase ratings. And the struggle for popularity, which is now explained by the retreat of television to the background due to the development of the Internet, used to be based on pure competition. If one checks the facts and CNN’s statements about this case – none of which have been confirmed either directly or indirectly – nobody in the million-dollar McDonald’s theft case has ever admitted to sending a single chip to a children’s hospital to reduce their sentence. On that basis, this connection is yet another attempt to raise their ratings among television corporations.

Nevertheless, in considering every act, humanity must be aware of precisely the reasons and prerequisites for the individual’s commission of these acts. Stealing someone else’s property in any form is impossible for an average person to justify, especially at a time when work is available to virtually every member of society (Dimmock & Fisher, 2018). An act of charity committed to “justify” a crime remains an act of charity from the perspective of others, but it should not justify committing a crime for the sake of its appearance (Dimmock & Fisher, 2018). From an ethical standpoint, any act that contradicts the community’s understanding of morality should not occur in society.


Dimmock, M., & Fisher, A. (2017). Ethics for A-Level. Open Book Publishers.

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