Strategic Role of Chief Information Security Officer

The key roles and responsibilities of the staff members in a company are essential to understand so that to be able to cooperate with them successfully. As such, the chief information security officer’s responsibilities often include implementing worker security awareness training, establishing protected operational and business practices, and recognizing security goals and indicators. Moreover, this position supposes selecting and acquiring security software from manufacturers, guaranteeing supervisory conformity of the projects and people with the rules of the company, and executing compliance to security standards. The chief information security officers are also responsible for maintaining the company’s data protection, overseeing the Computer Security Incident Response Team, and performing and performing automated search and electronic forensic analysis. According to Maynard et al. (2018), this staff member should conduct a strategical role in preventing falls as well. Thus, the chief information security officer has a vital role in a company dealing with digital assets, and their responsibilities reflect the strategic and technical nature of the job.

I believe that the role of the chief information security officer, namely strategic and guaranteeing security, applies to me. I am skilled in information technologies security management and can recognize the dangers that might arise when working with a variety of systems. Moreover, I have learned strategical management and, hence, understand how to work with objectives and organize workers to perform a particular job. Therefore, I am a capable leader and manager with a solid grasp of information technology and security, capable of communicating complex security ideas to both technical and non-technical people. The certifications that might interest me are Certified Information Systems Auditor and Certified Information Security Manager. These documents would prove my competence in the sphere and provide a basis for applying for a job.


Maynard, S., Onibere, M., & Ahmad, A. (2018). Defining the strategic role of the chief information security officer. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 10(3). Web.

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