Strategies to Tackle Primary Care Staffing Shortages

Diagnosis stresses are quickly rising due to impending staffing scarcities in the nursing community and an increment in the number of patients pursuing primary care assistance. In order to fulfill requirements in the next years, the quantity of medical personnel will need to skyrocket. The United States will suffer substantial healthcare labor constraints in the future decades (Pearce et al., 2018). The stressor has lately gotten more serious due to the aging demographic, which requires additional healthcare services from experts. Emotional exhaustion among the existing physicians and healthcare workers negatively influenced the company. As more nurses quit their jobs, others are left to fill the void. Caregivers who were burned out made avoidable mistakes such as prescription mistakes, emergency department congestion, and an increase in their patients’ death rates.

Part-time caregivers often labor less than 30 hours per week, whereas full-time nurses average approximately 35 and 40 hours per week. Nurses at the organization I worked at suffered serious burnout because of operating between 70 to 80 hours a week. Due to the extra working hours, they could not balance their work and life relations, resulting in several challenges. A greater risk of complications, cardiovascular disease, and mental illnesses such as anxiety are among the negative consequences. People who labor 65 or longer hours each week have a 60% higher risk of stroke than people who work regular hours (Pearce et al., 2018). The nurses could not spend time with their families and friends, thereby causing mental illnesses.

The articles reviewed provided informative and additional information on the primary care strain stressor. The article looks at some factors contributing to the scarcity of nurses in Poland (Marc et al., 2018). This research is centered on Poland’s federal nursing strategy lists and strategic papers primed by the polish government on the rising average age of healthcare workers, including data, foreign reports, and a review paper on nursing difficulties. The second article examines the many forms of care provision necessary to satisfy the growing need for primary care (Norful et al., 2018). The two articles were crucial in offering models and strategies to tackle staff shortages in the medical field.

Several organizations have set up approaches to address the national healthcare stressor of primary care strain. Some hospitals have found that recruiting overseas nurses helps to retain caregivers. Foreign caregivers have previously been employed in the U.S. to fill the deficits, thus being an excellent method to refresh a hospital’s staff. Moreover, other hospitals are being sought by colleges and medical organizations to assist them in training their healthcare graduates by offering a place for them to finish their clinical. Hands-on learning is what these student nurses require to close the competency gaps and prepare for the job after their degrees are completed. Most schools want qualified staff to educate their learners so that they can benefit from their decades of practice and expertise.

The solution to the nurse shortage is not simple. It is a challenging task since there are numerous variables involved. The articles suggest how medical institutions might begin to solve the shortage of nurses. If caregivers are offered the chance to boost their professions, they are most inclined to remain in the field. The quantity of caregivers in skilled fields rises when physicians have the opportunity to incorporate ongoing training into their hectic commitments. Versatile shifts help clinicians since they allow them to sustain a decent work-life balance yet simultaneously pursuing learning services.

The techniques used to address the primary care strain stressor will positively and negatively influence the organization. In an era when most companies are slashing resources for things like training, the institution stands out by providing and marketing some professional development possibilities. Providing professional advancement informs employees that management is concerned about their future evolution and wants to maintain them long-term. On the other hand, the approach has a negative influence on the company due to a limitation of time or incentive for professional growth, as well as a shortage of relevancy and greater costs.


Marc, M., Bartosiewicz, A., Burzynska, J., Chmiel, Z., & Januszewicz, P. (2018). A nursing shortage – A prospect of global and local policies. International Nursing Review, 66(1), 9-16. Web.

Norful, A. A., Jacq, K. D., Carlino, R., & Poghosyan, L. (2018). Nurse practitioner- Physician comanagement: A theoretical model to alleviate primary care strain. The Annals of Family Medicine, 16(3), 250-256. Web.

Pearce, P. F., Morgan, S., Mathews, J., Maust, M. D., & Seun, R. (2018). The value of nurse staffing: ANA principles redevelopment and direction for the future. Nursing Economics, 36(4), 169-177.

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