Stress and Time Management

The survey results suggest that the majority of students experience stress when they cannot meet deadlines, and one-third of students feel stress under deadline pressure from time to time. The data is supported by Svedberg’s current information that highlights that an individual can lower the level of anxiety when there is a possibility of sound sleep that is usually lacking when tight deadlines exist [1].

Results support the claim of researchers who study the importance of time management. The vast majority of students believe that stating time priorities and managing deadlines is crucial for education and work success. The same opinion is shared by analysts that highlight the necessity to integrate effective time management issues that help students to get higher education and avoid failing on exams due to improper time management [2].

The figure of 69% of students, who view time management as a necessary method to manage deadlines, avoid stress, and stay healthy suggests that researchers’ conclusions that students, who struggle to sleep and have daytime or nighttime dysfunctions, allocate most of their time to study and trigger the adverse effect of lack of sleep [3].

Data from figures that highlight students’ inability to have balanced work and personal life at Khalifa University substantiates the discussion by researchers that emphasize the necessity to balance sleep, study, and work to avoid extortionate sleepiness and consume the information during studies faster and more efficiently [3], which is sometimes difficult for students who cannot find the right balance.

To sum up, one can suggest that the online survey results show that stress and lack of time management adversely influence students’ ability at Khalifa University to study effectively and balance their personal and professional life and impede their academic performance. The view is supported by studies that suggest stressful situations impact students negatively and might cause associated issues, such as depression, an increased state of anxiety [4], and a decrease in productivity [5].


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T. Fishman, A. Ludgate, J. Tutak, “Success by design,” Deloitte Insights, 2017.

Y. C. Chiang, S. Arendt & S. Sapp, “Academic Performance, Employment, and Sleep Health: A Comparison between Working and Nonworking Students”, International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2020.

J. Ortuño-Sierra, E. Fonseca-Pedrero, R. Aritio-Solana, E. Chocarro de Luis, “Stress assessment during adolescence: Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Student Stress Inventory-Stress Manifestations across gender and age,” European Journal of Developmental Psychology, vol.13, no. 5, pp. 529-544, 2016.

S. Damaske, J. M. Smyth, M. J. Zavadski,” Has work replaced home as a haven? Re-examining Arlie Hochschild’s Time Bind proposition with objective stress data,” Social Science and Medicine, vol. 115, pp. 130-138, 2014.

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