Substance and Alcohol Misuse among Adolescents

Substance and alcohol misuse among adolescents is a considerable bother for the US healthcare system. Since adolescence is commonly known as a time for experimentation, substance use disorder (SUB) and alcohol abuse are often rooted in the period (Beaton, Shubkin, & Chapman, 2016). In order to address the problem, I will screen for alcohol misuse and SUB whenever there is a sign of concern from the parents in symptoms in the patient. Even though US Preventative Service Task Force is cautious about recommending systematic screening due to the lack of evidence, other organizations, such as Academy of Pediatrics, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommend such measures (McCarty, Levy, & Harris, 2019).

As for elder mistreatment and neglect, a care provider is obliged to report to the authorities of the clinic for them to contact National Center on Elder Abuse, National Adult Protective Services Association, or other related services (National Institute on Aging, 2016). The common signs of abuse are having trouble sleeping, depression, loss of weight, signs of trauma, messy appearance, and agitation (National Institute on Aging, 2016). In case of observation of such signs, a care provider should follow the procedure for reporting domestic violence of the clinic. A care provider can also provide contacts of services that can help with the matter to the patient.


Beaton, A., Shubkin, C. D., & Chapman, S. (2016). Addressing substance misuse in adolescents. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 28(2), 258–265. Web.

McCarty, C. A., Levy, S., & Harris, S. K. (2019). Alcohol use screening and behavioral counseling with adolescents in primary care: a call to action. JAMA pediatrics, 173(1), 12-14.

National Institute on Aging. (2016). Elder abuse. Web.

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