Sumaiya’s Guide: Practicality of Job Termination Tactics


Sumaiya’s article attempts to give some easier avenues through which an individual can lose a job especially if there is a lack of satisfaction. He observes that employees who have tried other avenues to be terminated without success can take his advice. I disagree with his guidelines on how to be terminated because they are hardly practical.

Main Body

To begin with, the author notes that the easiest way to be fired is by becoming a villain in the office. According to the author, there are subtle ways to show your villainy. For example, you can stop wearing office clothes. This will create an opportunity to be terminated for wearing unfit attires in the working place. However, this practice can be interpreted as an abnormality. Therefore, instead of being fired, an employee may be taken to a hospital for a check up. How can an employee be fired in ten days when management thinks that he or she is sick?

His arguments and guidelines are not convincing enough. For instance, he argues that if a person sleeps during meetings, the management can find a good ground to terminate such a person. This trap may not work out well bearing in mind that it can be termed as a sleeping disorder. The worker may even be given a sick leave in order to see a medical practitioner for treatment. In this case, it becomes impossible for such a subtle way to work out the plan of being fired within ten days. Exercising fake sleeping and yawning may lead to dismissal during meetings and not necessarily job termination. At first, the directors and managers may be interested in agendas and not a personal distraction. The result of such distraction may be a warning letter and not a summary dismal from the job. The process will definitely take more than ten days.

Being an irritating person may not necessarily be a good step to take in order to have a dismissing letter within ten days. Other workers may take the necessary steps to stop such irritating workers at the workplace. They may prefer to report such behavior to the managers. Usually, it would take more than ten days for the management to take the final decision to fire a worker who has exhibited such manners. As already mentioned, this action can result in a warning and not a dismal. It is so discouraging when a person expecting to be terminated receives a warning letter as a reprimand.

The other argument that can be challenged is a late arrival at the workplace. If a person develops a culture of coming late within ten days, the expectation would be a letter of termination. The behavior will be termed as childish and what can be expected at such an earlier stage is a warning. What kind of management can dismiss its workers just because of silly mistakes and behavior without giving them warning letters?


Finally, according to Sumaiya’s article, gossip may work as a way towards termination. It is illogical to fire a person just because he or spends time gossiping about others instead of being busy at work place. The manager may think that such people do not have adequate work to do and therefore have extra time to spend gossiping. They will possibly be given more work to do in order to minimize time-wasting. Therefore, it is possible to follow the above guidelines and fail to be terminated from employment within ten days.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 4). Sumaiya’s Guide: Practicality of Job Termination Tactics.

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StudyCorgi. "Sumaiya’s Guide: Practicality of Job Termination Tactics." February 4, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Sumaiya’s Guide: Practicality of Job Termination Tactics." February 4, 2021.

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