Supporting Adolescents Through Identity Crisis: Insights from Psychosocial Theories


Adolescence is one of the most challenging periods in young people’s and their parents’ lives. The main reason is the unstable psyche that undergoes the most significant changes and developments. This paper explores different psychosocial theories to suggest strategies for supporting a young person experiencing an identity crisis and determine why being bullied can make a child commit suicide.

Psychosocial Theories and Strategies for Supporting a Young Person in an Identity Crisis

An identity crisis can be most profound during the teen years when adolescents are confused about who they are and what society expects them to become. According to Cherry (2022), this is the fifth stage of psychosocial development. One strategy to help teenagers is encouraging them to experience independence, explore various areas and spheres of potential interest, and express their desires and beliefs.

In Kohlberg’s theory, adolescents develop their understanding of social rules and moral principles (McLeod, 2023). Therefore, it is recommended to discuss with the teenager the social expectations they experience and which of them they want to meet. Such conversations can help the child understand themselves and the world better.

For example, a teenage girl can say that adults tell her to wear bright dresses and make-up, but she wishes to express herself differently. Encouraging these choices is a valuable strategy that can allow the child to solve their identity crisis. Lastly, parents need to avoid a strict division between boys’ ethics of justice and girls’ ethics of care (Vinney, 2023). It would be helpful for adults to lead discussions on both abstract principles and rules and interpersonal relationships with their adolescents to allow them to develop better.

Further, it is necessary to explore the phenomenon of teenage suicide. When bullied, a child may feel that the whole world is against them. These feelings and potential doubts about their personality, appearance, behavior, and other characteristics can undermine the teenager’s self-esteem and self-perception. Bullying disturbs the healthy process of moral and psychosocial development, and the child can get lost in their identity crisis, seeing suicide as the only option.


To conclude, parents and educators should encourage and promote teenagers’ healthiest and most complete exploration of self. Adults’ strategies should be based on Erikson’s, Kohlberg’s, or Gilligan’s theories to serve children’s needs best. Identity crisis is a complicated process in which adolescents require their parents’ support, help, and encouragement. Otherwise, feeling lonely and unaccepted because of being bullied or lost can result in self-harm behaviors or suicide.


Cherry, K. (2022). Erikson’s stages of development. Verywell Mind. Web.

McLeod, S. (2023). Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. Simply Psychology. Web.

Vinney, S. (2023). Gilligan’s theory of moral development. Verywell Mind. Web.

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