Sustainable Development in Indonesia

My motivation to be part of the Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals can be reflected in the desire to develop my home country – Indonesia. Various steps are already being implemented to bring the country closer to attaining sustainable development. For example, the enhancement of existing mechanisms and expansion of social protection programs (UN, 2021). Along with facilitating a more equitable economic system via long-term investments, creative finance, responsible tourism, assistance to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, and cutting-edge information and communications technologies (UN, 2021). However, I have been thinking that I may contribute to that development by taking an example from the world’s leader in sustainable development, Sweden.

It is evident that consumer behavior in the country is focused on sustainability; businesses are transitioning from a resource economy to an economy and moving towards a circular economy. The historical development of Sweden and collective appreciation of the national development could have been major influencing factors. However, strong policy enforcement and application were similarly essential for the process. Therefore, as part of my plan for developing the Indonesian business world, I would like to enrich my consciousness with the culture, history, and economic policies that contributed to the progress of Sweden.

This is necessary to implement the knowledge gained in the practical scenario as a corporate financial officer or governmental worker focused on the legislation of financial activities. With enhanced monitoring of resources and management of cash flows, it would be possible to convince people to develop their business ideas. The plan would encourage youth to challenge themselves and accomplish decent work and economic growth. By emphasizing financial literacy as a core curriculum, it is possible to attain the eighth and fourth SDGs proposed by the UN.


United Nations. (2021). Indonesia.:. sustainable development knowledge platform. United Nations. Web.

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