Synthetic and Natural Vitamins

The selected article considered the effects of synthetic and natural versions of B group vitamins on one’s metabolic processes. The study involved two groups of people who took a daily dose of either vitamin analog, which exceeded the recommended amount by 2.5 (Lindschinger et al., 2020). The variables relevant to prove the hypothesis are the following:

Independent variable: The consumption of either synthetic or natural B group vitamins, which is group-based. Dependent variable: A person’s blood level, which was of the primary concern, and the activity of various amino acids, for example, homocysteine, and enzymes, such as peroxidase, which were the secondary criteria.

Results: Conclusive, as the authors managed to receive the anticipated results and correlations. While both variants of B vitamins demonstrated visible effects on metabolic processes through influencing their respective parameters, the natural ones had stronger effects (Lindschinger et al., 2020). Although the difference is slight, the study proves that the original hypothesis about improved health results of natural vitamins compared to their synthetic analogs (Lindschinger et al., 2020). However, the study was limited in time and lasted six weeks, which could explain the subdued effects (Lindschinger et al., 2020). Other variables could also be considered, although they were appropriate for the participants’ condition (Lindschinger et al., 2020). Perhaps, observing the consumption of vitamins belonging to both groups for a longer period may further solidify the hypothesis and widen the gap in the health results caused by the two.

Reference List

Lindschinger, M. et al. (2020). ‘Bioavailability of natural versus synthetic B vitamins and their effects on metabolic processes’, MMW Fortschritte der Medizin, 162(4), pp. 17-27.

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