Talent as an Important Part of Success

Different people have individual characteristics and talents that may or may not be revealed over time. In the video Patrick Sweeney watched, it says that some people have the ability to sell, and the goal of an effective manager is to find such a person. Subsequently, it is necessary to help this person open and allow them to develop his talent. This is important because people tend to succeed in certain things, and if one gives them the opportunity to develop and improve their talent, then all areas of human activity will function as efficiently as possible.

Examples of talented people in the business sphere are Steve Jobs and Isaac Singer, who were able to prove that talent and hard work are among the main characteristics of a person. Steve Jobs, thanks to his talent, was able to create a real empire of gadgets that people actively use. Isaac Singer made the world-famous sewing machines that have gone down in history. In addition, thanks to his engineering talent, Singer created a conveyor production technology that improved and facilitated the work. These people are undoubtedly considered gifted and successful due to their talent.

Everyone has talent, but often they can be hidden. It is imperative to reveal and apply them correctly since a significant share of success in any business depends on talent. Someone may have innate skills to sell, create advertising, and be a politician or a great athlete. The talent revealed in time will allow one person to achieve more significant results than another person whose talent probably lies in something else. In addition, it is very important to be able to find talents in order to create a truly strong team of people.


Selling Power. (2017). Learn how to recognize true sales talent [Video]. YouTube.

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StudyCorgi. "Talent as an Important Part of Success." August 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/talent-as-an-important-part-of-success/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Talent as an Important Part of Success." August 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/talent-as-an-important-part-of-success/.

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