Target Market Analysis for Mobile Full-Service Salon Catering to Professional Women

Demographic Profile of the Target Market

The target market for my mobile full-service salon is professional women between the ages of 25-40. This target market was selected based on several factors. Firstly, this age group is more likely to have a stable income and be willing to spend money on beauty and self-care services. They are also more likely to have busy lifestyles and value convenience, which is why a mobile salon would appeal to them. Additionally, this age group is more likely to be active on social media and follow beauty trends, making them more interested in my services.

The size of this target market is significant, as there are many professional women in this age range. Furthermore, the growth potential is also high, as more women are joining the workforce and seeking services that cater to their busy lifestyles. They are likely to be educated and career-focused.

Lifestyle and Interests of the Target Market

In terms of lifestyle, my target market values self-care and personal well-being. They will likely prioritize their appearance and maintain a polished and professional image. They may also enjoy socializing and attending events. Based on my research, my target market’s preferred technologies and online activities include social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook and online shopping.

Shopping and Purchasing Patterns

In terms of shopping patterns, my target market may prefer the convenience of online shopping but may also appreciate the personalized experience of a mobile salon. They may be willing to spend the proposed price on this service, as it offers convenience and professional-quality results. I anticipate that my potential customers will buy this service regularly, essential for maintaining their appearance and self-care routine. The frequency of purchases may vary depending on individual preferences and needs.

Product Positioning

The image I will attach to my mobile salon is one of professionalism, convenience, and luxury. I will position my service as a high-end and personalized experience catering to professional women’s busy lifestyles.

Marketing Mix

The marketing mix strategy for my mobile salon includes offering a range of services such as hair styling, manicures, pedicures, and makeup application. Promotion will be done through targeted social media advertisements, partnerships with local businesses, and word-of-mouth referrals. The service will be offered through appointments made online or via phone call. The introductory price will be set at a competitive rate to attract new customers. Special promotions and discounts will encourage repeat business and customer loyalty.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, March 21). Target Market Analysis for Mobile Full-Service Salon Catering to Professional Women.

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StudyCorgi. (2025) 'Target Market Analysis for Mobile Full-Service Salon Catering to Professional Women'. 21 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "Target Market Analysis for Mobile Full-Service Salon Catering to Professional Women." March 21, 2025.


StudyCorgi. "Target Market Analysis for Mobile Full-Service Salon Catering to Professional Women." March 21, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Target Market Analysis for Mobile Full-Service Salon Catering to Professional Women." March 21, 2025.

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