Evidence-Based Nursing Models: Team & Primary Nursing Insights


Researchers in the field of healthcare has managed to design evidence-based models and strategies to meet the changing medical needs of different patients. Nurse practitioners (NPs) should be aware of such findings whenever working in their respective units. The discussion presented below identifies several models of nursing that can be utilized to deliver high-quality health services.

Selected Nursing Care Model

My unit has been utilizing several nursing care models. Team nursing is taken seriously since it improves the outcomes of many patients. The unit’s nurse leader (NL) presents adequate incentives that are aimed at empowering his followers. A good example of this model emerged when my team was required to offer adequate care to a patient aged ten years. The targeted child was suffering from malaria.

The team was comprised of four nurses, two pediatricians, and three clinical officers. The NL encouraged every practitioner to apply the best competencies in order to deliver positive results. The pediatricians were required to assess the patient and diagnose the condition. The nurses and clinical officers were encouraged to offer adequate care. The adoption of emerging medical technologies made the process successful. This is the reason why the child’s health condition improved within three days.

Team Nursing

The first article that supports the application of team nursing in medical practice is “Factors Contributing to Nursing Team Work in an Acute Care Tertiary Hospital”. According to Polis, Higgs, Manning, Netto, and Fernandez (2017), this care delivery model has been applied successfully in different units to address a wide range of patients’ needs. The strategy makes it easier for practitioners to identify emerging problems and solve them in a timely manner. It also guides nurses to collaborate with their patients and offer superior medical services. Some of the outstanding aspects associated with team nursing include effective communication, timely care delivery, and critical thinking. Those who use this model will also find it easier to acquire new ideas.

In the article “Determining the Workload and Size of Nursing Team in the Pediatric Emergency Department”, the authors acknowledge that team nursing is an evidence-based model that is applicable in a wide range of settings. The authors believe that this model is a powerful tool for mobilizing resources and developing appropriate medical service delivery processes. The approach is also relevant since it empowers teams to solve emerging problems and focus on their patients’ demands (Rossetti, Gaidzinski, & Bracco, 2014). Individuals supported using this model will, therefore, record positive health outcomes within a short period.

Primary Nursing

The article “Perceptions of a Primary Nursing Care Model in a Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Unit” supports the adoption of a primary care model in different healthcare units. The authors begin by encouraging medical practitioners to focus on relationship-based strategies whenever treating their patients. This kind of strategy can increase the morale of caregivers. However, the authors acknowledge that the use of this care model can fail to deliver desirable results if the targeted NPs are not motivated (Nadeau, Pinner, Murphy, & Belderson, 2017). This is the reason why the article encourages nurses to embrace this model to share ideas and resources.

The article “The Effects of Primary Nursing Care Model: A Systematic Review” indicates that a primary model of nursing can meet the diverse medical needs of many patients. Mattila et al. (2014) argue that the care model empowers NPs to establish meaningful relationships with their patients. Such practitioners can also monitor the health status of every patient. Obstacles such as dissatisfaction and burnout tend to reduce significantly when this model is applied in a given healthcare setting.

Nurses can also become empowered, committed, and willing to achieve their potential. The article goes further to explain how primary nursing discourages evidence-based practices such as collaboration, team-based decision-making processes, and problem-solving. The authors conclude by supporting this model since it can result in better medical outcomes.

Implementation of the Current Model

From a personal perspective, I strongly believe that the implementation of team nursing in my unit resulted in remarkable results. This is the case since the model made it easier for different practitioners and caregivers to offer high-quality services to the admitted child. The leader was instrumental in ensuring that all NPs and clinicians were motivated, mentored, and empowered. Throughout the care delivery process, the NP encouraged all practitioners to share their ideas, solve emerging problems efficiently, and communicate with the child’s parents. Additionally, different relatives were required to be part of the care delivery team.

The use of team nursing encourages patients’ relatives and friends to present their opinions in order to support the delivery of holistic care. The leader ensured that all NPs and pediatricians had access to the required resources. This approach ensured that the child recorded positive health results. This observation reveals that clinicians should embrace the power of team nursing in an attempt to deliver evidence-based medical services to every person (Polis et al., 2017). NLs should also be prepared to identify and address emerging issues. This strategy can ensure that every organization or department achieves its goals.

Recommending a Different Nursing Care Model

Team nursing is a powerful care model that has the potential to improve patients’ health outcomes. However, NPs can try newer approaches that are informed by evidence-based concepts such as the Nursing Practitioner Care Model (NPCM). Kutzleb et al. (2015) indicate that NPCM is a powerful model since it encourages practitioners to identify obstacles that can affect patients’ outcomes. Many professionals support this model because it is founded on the major attributes that define team nursing. It also encourages nurses to engage in lifelong learning while at the same time addressing emerging issues that can affect their patients.

The NPCM model can guide NPs to identify specific individuals who are at risk of medication errors (Kutzleb et al., 2015). They can also use it to form new teams that bring together other professionals, including pediatricians, social workers, dieticians, and medical technologists. New concepts such as critical thinking and emotional intelligence tend to emerge when NPs embrace this model. Hospitals that are associated with the model will record better results, including improved patient satisfaction and reduced burnout.

Concluding Remarks

NPs should appreciate the effectiveness of different nursing care models such as team nursing, primary care, and NPCM. The exercise has also equipped me with new skills and ideas for empowering my workmates and offering high-quality services to different patients. I will always use team-based nursing whenever providing medical services. I am also planning to improve my philosophy by making NPCM a critical aspect of my care delivery model. Concepts such as holistic care and critical thinking will always be taken seriously whenever focusing on my patients’ needs. These initiatives will eventually make it easier for me to achieve my professional goals.


Kutzleb, J., Rigolosi, R., Fruhschien, A., Reilly, M., Shaftic, A., Duran, D., … Flynn, D. (2015). Nurse practitioner care model: Meeting the health care challenges with a collaborative team. Nursing Economics, 33(6), 297-304.

Mattila, E., Pitkanen, A., Alanen, S., Leino, K., Luojus, K., Rantanen, A., … Aalto, P. (2014). The effects of the primary nursing care model: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing & Care, 3(205), 1-24.

Nadeau, K., Pinner, K., Murphy, K., & Belderson, K. M. (2017). Perceptions of a primary nursing care model in a pediatric hematology/oncology unit. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 34(1), 1-13. Web.

Polis, S., Higgs, M., Manning, V., Netto, G., & Fernandez, R. (2017). Factors contributing to nursing team work in an acute care tertiary hospital. Collegian, 24(1), 19-25. Web.

Rossetti, A. C., Gaidzinski, R. P., & Bracco, M. M. (2014). Determining workload and size of nursing team in the pediatric emergency department. Einstein, 12(2), 217-222. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 28). Evidence-Based Nursing Models: Team & Primary Nursing Insights. https://studycorgi.com/team-and-primary-nursing-care-models-in-practice/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Evidence-Based Nursing Models: Team & Primary Nursing Insights." July 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/team-and-primary-nursing-care-models-in-practice/.


StudyCorgi. "Evidence-Based Nursing Models: Team & Primary Nursing Insights." July 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/team-and-primary-nursing-care-models-in-practice/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Evidence-Based Nursing Models: Team & Primary Nursing Insights." July 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/team-and-primary-nursing-care-models-in-practice/.

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