Teamwork, Employee Empowerment and Training

Almost every successful organization allows its employees to work in groups as collaborations may increase the performance of different projects. According to Driskell et al. (2018), it is a cooperative group of people where every participant strives to achieve the same goal. When all members can create a positive atmosphere while working in a team, the organization’s general performance may increase. Both employees and bosses can benefit from working together, and it is important to introduce teamwork in companies.

Workers receive multiple advantages from working in a team, and they help improve their professional skills. For instance, problem–solving becomes better when more people generate ideas and try to complete the same task. According to Ahmad and Manzoor (2017), communication can increase the mood, and employees may become happier when working with their colleagues. A positive attitude to the work may improve the performance of the job, and some managers consider teamwork as one of the most important aspects of the organization. The risk of failure becomes lower as more people follow the development of the work, and there are more people who can mention potential problems and liquidate them on time.

Companies, in general, receive many benefits when workers collaborate and share the same goals. For example, high-quality products can be developed for a short period of time, and the organization might have a chance to follow all modern trends and increase their performance (Ahmad & Manzoor, 2017). The research by Ahmad and Manzoor examines work processes in three companies utilizing teamwork – Ufone, Telenor, and Mobilink, and it shows that teamwork positively correlates with employee performance (2017). Moreover, more unique innovations that increase performance may be created when people collaborate and share specific ideas. The motivated and happy staff brings many advantages to companies aiming to improve their performance.

The teamwork can be explained in more detail in the example of railroad operations. Roth et al. (2020) explained train crews divide their responsibilities to complete their work quicker. Railways system requires workers to be flexible and stay prepared for unusual situations. While one group of workers focuses on locomotive engineering, the other pay more attention to conductors. When a problem occurs, it is important to collaborate to make sure that the trains are not disrupted of their ways.


Ahmad, I., & Manzoor, S. R. (2017). Effect of teamwork, employee empowerment and training on employee performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(11), 380-194.

Driskell, J. E., Salas, E., & Driskell, T. (2018). Foundations of teamwork and collaboration. American Psychologist, 73(4), 334-348. Web.

Roth, E. M., Rosenhand, H., & Multer, J. (2020). Teamwork in railroad operations and implications for new technology. Federal Railroad Administration.

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