Technical Education for Palestine’s Development

For the state’s productive and most effective development, it is necessary to improve the political, social, economic, and educational spheres. This will help increase the number of personnel who can bring innovations to the country. Therefore, this work emphasizes the importance of technical education for the development of a State like Palestine based on the article by El Talla et al. (2017) called “The reality of technical education in Palestine.” In addition, it makes an attempt to refute the opinion that the primary focus should be on resolving the tense situation in the state and that education should take a back seat.

Higher education plays a significant role in Palestine’s development, despite these institutions’ sufficient youth novelty. The article stated that “technical education is responsible for meeting the needs of the community of individuals who are capable of keeping up with scientific progress in all aspects of industrial, agricultural, and commercial life” (p. 102). Thus, technical education is an advantage for the state because it contributes to continuous scientific research and provides individuals who will be able to accelerate the country’s development. This will happen due to the introduction of new technologies in production and in the activities of various organizations to ensure the most excellent efficiency.

It is worth noting that at the moment, there is a rather tense situation in Palestine, which is characterized by sieges and wars. Therefore, there is an opinion that technical education does not have the correct value for the attention of the government. However, the development of the educational sphere is valuable for Palestine, as it can provide an opportunity to find alternatives to change the situation in the state.


El Talla, S. A., Abu Naser, S. S., Al Shobaki, M. J., & Abu Amuna, Y. M. (2017). The reality of technical education in Palestine. International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS), 1(10), 102-117.

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