Ten Pillars of the Shoe Dog Book by Phil Knight

Nearly everyone on the planet now is familiar with Nike. It is one of the most well-known brands in the world, has been in existence for a very long time, and is present in practically every nation. What is intriguing is that Phil Knight, a young man without any prior business expertise, founded Nike rather than being just another extremely wealthy investor. Phil began selling shoes from behind his car (Knight, 2018). However, today’s sports legends like Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan proudly wear Nike footwear. Moreover, there are hundreds of millions of additional clients. To explain to the world how he founded Nike, Phil Knight authored the book Shoe Dog. He wants to encourage other young people to follow their wild ambitions.

People may uncover the ten critical success pillars that the inventor of Nike discusses in this book. Since the founder of Nike faked it until he made it, the first pillar is to start before people are ready. Phil suggested that Japanese sports shoes may soon gain popularity in America in a school assignment. Even though he had just graduated, he traveled to Japan and persuaded a shoe maker, Onitsuka, to appoint him as his US distributor. The author claims in the second pillar that people need to sell excitement since it is simple to market something someone believes in (Knight, 2018). Together with Bowerman, his previous running coach, Phil started a company.

At a track and field competition, Phil swiftly sold 300 pairs of shoes from his car and then placed an order for 900 more. Because he believed in the goods, he found them simple to sell. The book’s second and third pillars are parental pressure and social pressure to comply. Finding a calling rather than a profession is the fourth pillar and the secret to maintaining motivation despite failures. Instead of starting a new hazardous shoe firm, Phil’s father would have liked his son to work in a reputable profession and company. We should anticipate that our parents will motivate us to lead secure lives.

The fifth pillar of the book is what makes a person an excellent travel companion. The author characterizes his acquaintance as being both amiable and uncommunicative. These are equally crucial characteristics for a friend, as well as necessary for a trip companion and work associate. The sixth pillar is giving individuals the assurance to perform a great job on their terms (Knight, 2018). Phil advises giving individuals the what-to-do rather than the how-to, letting them surprise the reader with their outcomes. The author claims that someone who lifts a mountain starts by moving little stones away; hence the seventh pillar is the strength of starting small.

The eighth pillar of the book is “goodbye,” as it is the simplest method to understand how someone thinks about another. Life is progress, according to the ninth lesson and book pillar. Every evening, the author writes, he tried to relax by leaning back in his chair and gazing up at the ceiling. He reminded himself that everyone must evolve or die (Knight, 2018). The pursuit of a calling is also the book’s final and most significant pillar. The author advises men and women under the age of 25 not to settle for a job, a profession, or even a career. He advises searching for one’s calling and looking even if the reader does not know what it means.


Knight, P. (2018). Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike (Reprint). Scribner.

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StudyCorgi. "Ten Pillars of the Shoe Dog Book by Phil Knight." December 30, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ten-pillars-of-the-shoe-dog-book-by-phil-knight/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Ten Pillars of the Shoe Dog Book by Phil Knight." December 30, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ten-pillars-of-the-shoe-dog-book-by-phil-knight/.

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