The Application of Selye’s Stress Theory in Pediatric Nursing Research


This paper aims to trace the use of nursing theories in research work. Following the connections will help identify critical theoretical concepts and how to use them to improve nursing practice. To learn the connection between theory and research, an article identifying the most successful methods for determining stress in children was chosen. As the founder of the stress theory, Hans Selye is the principal theoretical investment in the research.

Hans Selye’s Stress Theory

Hans Selye makes a significant contribution to the study of the mechanisms of stress. The critical concepts of Selye’s theory are the definitions and symptoms of stress and the criteria for intervention by doctors because this researcher first defined and introduced the very concept of stress. The phenomenon of stress is a consequence of anxiety and frustration, which can lead to somatic diseases (O’Brien & Cooper, 2022). Medical assistance is necessary when a person cannot cope with stress.

Lynch et al. (2022) aim to explore ways to recognize and measure children’s stress. The research is a literature review; the sample included children from infantry to 12 years of age. The total number of studied articles should have been mentioned in the review. The sampling method is the representation of the articles in the databases PubMed, Scopus, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Google Scholar and the ways to recognize stress in children (Lynch et al., 2022). The study’s results reveal a gap in the research on stress factors in children (Lynch et al., 2022). Selye’s stress theory has been cited as one of the most popular and creditable theories.

Selye’s Stress Theory is used as a research guide as it is the primary measure of stress in children. Selye’s theory identifies external stress symptoms: inability to concentrate, learning errors, memory impairment, and rapid speech (O’Brien & Cooper, 2022). These concepts are generally accepted when defining stress in children. Thus, the theory gives the researcher a basic understanding of the symptoms and causes of the problem under study.


In conclusion, health professionals’ awareness of theoretical concepts allows for deepening strategies to improve practice. For example, accurately measuring stress in children helps researchers and clinicians reduce unwanted health outcomes. The theory forms the foundation of the study, acting as the basis for determining the symptoms. Knowledge of theory is the key to successful research, which contributes to improving nursing practice in related fields.


Lynch, T., Davis, S. L., Johnson, A. H., Gray, L., Coleman, E., Phillips, S. R., & Rice, M. (2022). Definitions, theories, and measurement of stress in children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 66(1), 202-212. Web.

O’Brien, K., & Cooper, C. (2022). Physiological stress theories. In Elgar Introduction to Organizational Stress Theories (pp. 26-39). Edward Elgar Publishing.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, February 7). The Application of Selye’s Stress Theory in Pediatric Nursing Research.

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StudyCorgi. "The Application of Selye’s Stress Theory in Pediatric Nursing Research." February 7, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "The Application of Selye’s Stress Theory in Pediatric Nursing Research." February 7, 2025.

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